Pass Good Cause Tenant Protections in Ithaca!

Ithaca Common Council

Tell Common Council: Pass Good Cause, No LLC Loopholes!

Good Cause gives tenants:

  • Guaranteed lease renewals
    Rest easy knowing your lease renewal is guaranteed, even if you’re month-to-month
  • Checks on large rent increases
    Tenants can force landlords to justify or reduce rent hikes above 10%, or CPI inflation plus 5%, whichever is lower.
  • Limit of one rent increase per year
    Even for month-to-month tenants, price increases have a predictable schedule so you can plan ahead.
  • Protection from unjustified evictions
    Landlords can’t evict without a “Good Cause”, like rent nonpayment or lease violations.

Full details at

How we pass Good Cause in Ithaca:

As of April 2024, cities in New York can opt into Good Cause Eviction protections, after years of organizing by tenants across the state. To opt in, Ithaca’s Common Council needs to vote — and ITU members, including Solidarity Slate legislators Kayla Matos and Phoebe Brown, are pushing to get it done.

All tenants deserve stable and safe homes. Good Cause would prevent arbitrary and discriminatory lease non-renewals that uproot tenants’ lives — no more worrying about getting evicted over asking for repairs, landlord harassment and/or bigotry, or building sale. Ithaca’s Common Council must pass Good Cause — and reject LLC Loopholes that would weaken the law and leave tenants in the dark about our protection status.

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To: Ithaca Common Council
From: [Your Name]

Ithaca Common Council,

As tenants in the City of Ithaca, we call on you to opt into Good Cause Eviction protections now. Housing stability in Ithaca is at a record low, and these protections are long overdue — tenants all across the state have pushed for them for years. Good Cause would prevent arbitrary and discriminatory lease non-renewals which cause people to lose their housing, for reasons such as asking for repairs, landlord harassment and/or bigotry, and building sale. This would also prohibit ridiculous rent increases used to price tenants out of our community.

We believe all tenants deserve protections from discrimination, retaliation, and price-gouging rent hikes. Other cities in the US passed this policy years ago, and it's time for Ithaca to join them. We also call on you to reject any LLC loopholes that would weaken the law and leave tenants in the dark about our protection status. A strong Good Cause will empower tenants to feel safe and secure in our homes — please opt in as soon as possible.

Ithaca Tenants