Burlington City Council

BURLINGTON TELECOM WAS ENVISIONED, CREATED, FUNDED, AND BUILT BY CITY TAXPAYERS & SUBSCRIBERS. Transforming it into a local cooperative will ensure that taxpayers and subscribers reap the long-term benefits of a currently thriving telecom that is on track to net $3 million this year. The long-term payback of the Keep BT Local bid carries a current value of least $5 million more than its bid price through ongoing member dividends and lower prices. KBTL will also ensure that our community is not held captive by a private, for-profit telecom giant and that BT remains accountable to its members.

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Burlington, VT

To: Burlington City Council
From: Alex Chaffee

Burlington Telecom (BT) is a valuable community asset, paid for by the people of Burlington, and vital to our economic and civic future as a thriving community. In evaluating the sale of BT, the City must openly consider which entities provide the best leadership, the most affordable approach, the best fiscal return for our citizens, and which organization will remain accountable to our community no matter what changes transpire in the telecom world.

The City Council's consultants are publicly advising our City Council to only consider for-profit, non-cooperative bids. In the 21st century, internet access is a crucial public utility which will determine our economic well being in the future. Much like roads, schools, or electric power, it is in everyone's interest that everyone in the community have access to it, so they can access information, engage in economic activity, and participate in community life.

Therefore, we are asking the City Council to support The Keep BT Local Cooperative's (KBTL) bid. They have provided a full, public account of the leadership and vision they intend to bring to the table on how our telecom should evolve, using top quality management and a sound business plan to ensure that we offer long-term, reliable, and significant economic benefits to Burlington by keeping millions of dollars in profits local and supporting our growing tech-based economy.