It’s time for real solutions to address the climate crisis, not Big Polluters' "net zero" schemes

Delegates to the U.N. Global Climate talks

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This year at the global climate talks, many of the communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and the climate crisis will not be represented, while the wealthiest, whitest, and most polluting nations and entities (like Big Polluters) will be even more disproportionally represented than they usually are.

Under these unjust conditions, Big Polluters are gearing up to push through their agenda: including aggressively advancing their “net zero” schemes, which promote false solutions like vacuuming carbon out of the air.

It's time for Global North governments, like the U.S., U.K., and EU to stop shilling for Big Polluters. They need to know we’re paying attention.

Add your name and demand that the U.S., U.K., and EU delegations heed the voices of people in the Global South and on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Urge them to reject “net zero” schemes and advance real solutions to address the climate crisis.

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To: Delegates to the U.N. Global Climate talks
From: [Your Name]

The climate crisis is devastating people’s lives around the world, from drought and fire to storms and floods -- and those who’ve contributed the least are harmed first and worst. COP26 is a crucial moment for action.

Yet for decades, Global North governments, especially the U.S., U.K., and EU, have stood in the way of just climate policy, promoting policies that entrench your own economic might, preserve polluters’ profits, and devastate human lives -- especially people in the Global South, Black people, Indigenous people, people of color, women, LGBTQ+ people, and youth.

At COP26, it’s time to change course.

Global North governments, especially the U.S., U.K., and EU, must stop shilling for Big Polluters and start following the will of the people [1]. I demand you heed the voices of people in the Global South and on the frontlines of the climate crisis:

• Advance real solutions that are equitable and compatible with keeping temperature rise to below 1.5C -- not Big Polluters’ schemes.
• Make concrete commitments that keep fossil fuels in the ground and implement real solutions for real zero emissions, not empty “net zero” pledges.
• Do your fair shares [2], in line with your historical responsibility and emissions.
• Kick polluters and the industry groups that represent them out of the climate talks.
• Make polluters pay for the loss and damage they’ve caused and continue to cause and ensure such payment goes to those on the front lines of the crisis.

Further, I echo the group of Global South governments who have underscored that this “net zero” agenda runs “counter to the Paris Agreement and is anti-equity and against climate justice.” [3]

People will look back at this moment for generations to come and judge you for your actions at COP26. Will they see a great pivot toward a just future or entrenchment of a deadly status quo? The world is watching. The time for justice is now.
