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It's time to #EvacuateTheCamps

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull & Immigration Minister Peter Dutton

In under a week, the situation on Manus Island has deteriorated rapidly. This week detainees were told

that the detention centre they are currently residing in, will be closed and demolished, starting at the end of this month. With many facing uncertain futures around the US deal, many are feeling the pressure to return to the places they have fled from.

Following this The Guardian revealed secret documents showing that managers of the Manus centre made conditions deliberately inhospitable to drive refugees there to return home.

This is yet another horrific revelation indicating the utter failure of Australia's offshore detention regime.

Sign our petition to Malcolm Turnbull and Peter Dutton to #EvacuateTheCamps and ensure #SafetyForAll by resettling all those to a safe third country.

To: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull & Immigration Minister Peter Dutton
From: [Your Name]

Recent revelations from the Manus Island Processing Centre for people seeking asylum has shocked and concerned members of the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking (CAPSA).

As a network of concerned schools, parishes, hospitals, service providers and others, we stand united in our respect for the dignity of the human person.

We believe in the fair and efficient process of people seeking asylum, ensuring that those who seek Australia's protection are given the best opportunity to thrive in Australian society if they are resettled here.

We urge you to consider the deteriorating condition on Manus Island for the more than 800 men there and immediately provide clarity for the future of those deemed to be refugees. While the US resettlement deal provides some hope, we are concerned that many of those on Manus will not be eligible.

We know you both respect and honour the Christian faith, we hope that you can take some time to reflect on the moral challenge our country is no facing.

We hope you can make the right decision by closing these hellish offshore camps and provide hope and security for the poor souls living there.

In hope,
Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA)