Call for the Resignation of Mattie Rhodes CEO, John Fierro

Mattie Rhodes Center’s CEO and Board of Directors

Update: Staff Speaks Out

Abajo en Español*

We, the undersigned, demand that the Mattie Rhodes Center leadership, specifically Executive Director John Fierro, step down from Mattie Rhodes.

This is not an action we take lightly, and to be clear, many of the undersigned have close ties to many of the programming staff and a great working relationship with the Mattie Rhodes Center in general. However, our we have lost confidence with current leadership at Mattie Rhodes under Mr. Fierro’s direction.

Mr. Fierro’s August 19th invitation to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for a “community meeting,” put attendees, staff, and clients of Mattie Rhodes Center at risk. This breach of trust was done solely by Mr. Fierro without disclosing it to those present that day or to staff at Mattie Rhodes. There were people there that needed to know that ICE would be present.

Although we acknowledge that Mr. Fierro has expressed regret and wishes to advance to the next steps to put this behind him, as recently as a meeting on October 14th, he has shown us that his primary intent is to take a defensive posture to community and staff feedback. We do not believe Mr. Fierro has learned from his actions or is truly contrite. Thus, in solidarity with the many brave and outspoken community members and staff who have aired their grievances, we formally call for Mr. Fierro to step down.

With new leadership, we look forward to working with Mattie Rhodes to turn the page and work to rebuild this vital relationship for the good of the community and to advance the important work of the Mattie Rhodes Center.


Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, exigimos que el liderazgo del Centro de Mattie Rhodes, específicamente el Director Ejecutivo John Fierro, renuncie de Mattie Rhodes.

Esta no es una acción que tomamos a la ligera, y para ser claros, muchos de los abajo firmantes tienen relaciones cercanas con empleados de programación, y una excelente relación de trabajo con el Centro de Mattie Rhodes en general. Sin embargo, hemos perdido la confianza con el liderazgo actual en Mattie Rhodes bajo la dirección del Sr. Fierro.

La invitación del 19 de agosto del Sr. Fierro al Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) para una "reunión comunitaria" puso en riesgo a los asistentes, los empleados y los clientes del Centro de Mattie Rhodes. Este abuso de confianza fue realizado únicamente por el Sr. Fierro sin aconsejarle a los presentes ese día, ni a los empleados del Centro de Mattie Rhodes. Había personas allí que necesitaban saber que ICE estaría presente.

Aunque reconocemos que el Sr. Fierro ha expresado su lamento y desea seguir adelante para dejar esto atrás, recientemente, en una reunión el 14 de octubre, nos ha demostrado que su intención principal es tomar una postura defensiva ante la comunidad y los empleados. No creemos que el Sr. Fierro haya aprendido de sus acciones o esté realmente arrepentido. Por lo tanto, en solidaridad con los muchos miembros valientes y francos de la comunidad y los empleados que han expresado sus quejas, llamamos formalmente al Sr. Fierro a que renuncie.

Con un nuevo liderazgo, esperamos trabajar con el Centro de Mattie Rhodes al seguir adelante, y trabajar para reconstruir esta relación vital para el bien de la comunidad y seguir avanzando el importante trabajo del Centro de Mattie Rhodes.

Petition by
Alex Martinez
Kansas City, Missouri

To: Mattie Rhodes Center’s CEO and Board of Directors
From: [Your Name]

I demand that the Mattie Rhodes Center leadership, specifically Executive Director John Fierro, step down from Mattie Rhodes.

Mr. Fierro’s August 19th invitation to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for a “community meeting,” put attendees, staff, and clients of Mattie Rhodes Center at risk. This breach of trust was done solely by Mr. Fierro without disclosing it to those present that day or to the staff at Mattie Rhodes. There were people there that needed to know that ICE would be present.

I do not believe Mr. Fierro has learned from his actions or is truly contrite. Thus, in solidarity with the many brave and outspoken community members and staff who have aired their grievances, I formally call for Mr. Fierro to step down.