Keep Mr. Baugh with his family!


UPDATE 5/6: We received notice that ICE plans on conditionally releasing Mr. Baugh! Please continue to sign and circulate the petition below, as his adjustment of status hearing is still coming up.

Mr. Baugh— a longtime New Yorker—is currently caged in ICE detention and could be deported and separated from his family in the Bronx. He is eligible to adjust his immigration status before a judge, which would end his deportation proceedings.

We are gathering sign on's for a community support letter which will be submitted by his attorney to support his case at an upcoming hearing. Sign on to ensure that Mr. Baugh can remain where he belongs:  in New York with his family and community.

Who is Mr. Baugh

Duwayne Baugh is a longtime permanent resident New Yorker and Bronx resident. He came to the United States at the age of 14 over 30 years ago. He has been detained by ICE for almost 7 months at the Clinton County Correctional Facility over 200 miles away from his home in the Bronx. He has been separated from his wife and four children who he loves deeply. His wife has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Terminal cancer and has recently been informed, that in Duwayne's absence, the cancer has spread. She relied on Duwayne as her primary caretaker, both physically and emotionally. To make matters worse, his wife is now facing eviction without Duwayne's support in the home. Duwayne's family, especially his wife, need him home during these difficult times.

Mr. Baugh’s Case

Mr. Baugh’s story exemplifies how the overlaps of the criminal and immigration systems disproportionately harms Black immigrants. His deportability is based on a single, criminal conviction during a very difficult time in his life, in the aftermath of the stabbing of his son. He has since expressed regret over his past actions.

After Mr. Baugh served his sentence and was ultimately able to return home to his family in the Bronx, ICE initiated deportation proceedings against him – a cruel double punishment for his earlier conviction. Today, Mr. Baugh continues to face the threat of deportation.

The Power of an Adjustment of Status

An adjustment of status hearing will allow Duwayne the opportunity to readjust his status to a Lawful Permanent Resident, and be released from ICE detention, reuniting him with his wife and kids who desperately need his support and presence.

Sign on to help keep Mr. Baugh with his family!  

From: [Your Name]

To the Honorable Immigration Judge Armstrong

Honorable Judge Armstrong,

We are community members of Duwayne Baugh and are writing this letter on his behalf. We represent workers, students, and retirees. We are aware that Duwayne has been held by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and is eligible to adjust his status before your Honor. He is a valued member of our community who we deeply care for, rely on, and trust.

We know Duwayne as a dedicated father, husband, and son. He loves his family and that is very easy to see. Before his separation from his family, Duwayne was his wife Kaiisha’s primary caretaker. Kaiisha has advanced cancer and underwent extensive chemotherapy as a result. In moments when she was too weak to move around, Duwayne was there to attend doctor’s appointments with her, help her shower and dress, and help with other tasks around the house. He has also been a caretaker for many people in his life, including his mother-in-law and the children in the neighborhood he resides.

Although Duwayne has made mistakes, it would be a devastating loss to us and his family, especially his wife and young daughter, should Duwayne not remain with his community in the Bronx. He needs his family and his family needs him. Thank you for your time and for letting us speak on his behalf.

The undersigned community members