Keep New Hampshire free from un-just checkpoints!

Governor Chris Sununu

Let's put an end to invasive border patrol checkpoints in New Hampshire!

Border patrol agents have been creating random checkpoints along I-93 in northern New Hampshire, stopping cars coming to and leaving the White Mountains, one of our state's main tourist attractions. Once stopped, passengers are forced to answer questions about their identity and citizenship while their car is sniffed by dogs, without any just cause. There have been two checkpoints during busy weekends so far this year, with at least four more planned.

These checkpoints are extremely intrusive, coercive, likely unconstitutional and are a step towards a police state. On top of that, they will undoubtedly deter people from visiting the White Mountains. New Hampshire's tourism industry needs visitors, not people afraid of being questioned and detained on the side of a highway. You shouldn't need "your papers" to hike.

We demand that our Governor Chris Sununu take a meaningful public stance against this violation of American civil liberties and New Hampshire values.

Together we can stop this.

Customs and Border Patrol attempted these same checkpoints in Vermont earlier this year, but was stopped by Senator Leahy who stated, "The wide latitude in current law for setting up checkpoints far from our borders has led to maximum hassles of law-abiding local residents, with minimal value to border enforcement. This is an intrusive practice for local residents, subjecting Vermonters to needless and pointless delays and questioning. It simply is not a productive use of border enforcement dollars. The wide leeway for accessing private property without permission or warrants is also excessive, and it should be limited."

Governor Sununu, speak up and help put an end to invasive border checkpoints in our state.

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Concord, NH

To: Governor Chris Sununu
From: [Your Name]

Dear Governor Sununu,

We want to see an end to invasive border checkpoints targeting New Hampshire residents. Stopping people traveling on Route 93 and forcing them to answer questions about their identity and citizenship is a grossly un-American violation of our civil rights and New Hampshire credo of "live free or die".

Please take a public stance against this intrusive practice, and put an end to it before we turn discourage people from visiting Northern New Hampshire by infringing on their rights in our state.

Thank you.