Keep Omar & Tlaib out of Israel.

The Government of Israel

Rep. Ilhan Omar, who announced a new pro-BDS resolution in Congress this week, and Rep. Rashida Tlaib  may enter Israel despite a law which would have prevented them.

Join our call in urging Israel to apply it’s anti -BDS law and deny Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib a platform to continue peddling their sick anti-Israel agenda.  

Petition by
M Co
Los Angeles, California
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To: The Government of Israel
From: [Your Name]

We, concerned friends of Israel advocators of freedom and civil liberties are calling on the government of Israel to reject the request by Rep. Ilan Omar (D-MN) and Rep.(D-MI) Rashida Tlaib to enter Israel including Judea Samaria .

While Omar and Tlaib stated that the Israeli "occupation" of Palestinian Territories will be the focal point of the trip, they claim that their request to come to Israel, is to “understand the conflict better”.

However ,their statements and their earlier antecedents indicate that they are not coming for any genuine reason to understand the conflict better but to continue their antisemitic hatred and demonization of Israel. One who is genuinely trying to learn and expand their knowledge cannot already make a conclusion of the answer before even engaging in the study.

Ilan Omar and Rashida Tlaib epitomize contemporary anti-Semitism, allowing the same virus of anti-Semitism to spread. We can not allow subtle and underhanded anti-Semitism drifts through the consciousness of society, to hide behind the thin veil of “anti-Israel” or “anti-Zionist” rhetoric using Israel as a loophole to escape accusations of anti-Semitism.

Omar and Tlaib stated that they are coming for the "occupation" when there is no such occupation in Eretz Israel based on provisions of international law which defines what entails occupation under article 42 of the Hague Regulations of 1907 and the heading of section 3 of that law in essence denying Israel sovereignty and calling for the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Judea and Samaria

Ilhan Omar's crass antisemitism and manifested hatred of the Jewish state of Israel as evidenced in her claims that Israel has hypnotized the world, that support of Israel by Americans is about the Benjamins and accused US politicians who support Israel as a US ally of having double allegiance as they "push for allegiance to a foreign country", shows that she is someone with evil agenda and is not coming for genuine learning.

Both Omar and Tlaib are vocal supporters the BDS movement which has been outlawed by the German Bundestag and described as antisemitism by them. BDS has also been condemned by numerous US state governments and several nations worldwide for its horrible policies. Rep.Omar also recently proposed a bill to support BDS where she compared Israel with Nazi Germany and fortunately, it was voted down in the house as she got told by the lawmakers that the US assembly should not be a place to peddle antisemitism.

As of recently Rashida Tlaib shared video Facebook by a key campaign fundraiser calling Jews “satanic” promoting boycotts on Jews and calling Israel apartheid state. Tlaib erased Israel from a map with a post-it note marked “Palestine “. She has ties to a radical pro-Hezbollah and anti-Israel activists and suggested that if you are a supporter of Israel you are guilty of dual loyalty.

All the above shows terrible characters out to destroy Israel and who cannot be trusted to be fair in that their "coming to learn more about the conflict". Israel has a law against those who support BDS being allowed into the country and Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are public figures whose calls for BDS against Israel hence fits the bill in falling foul of the law. We do note that the government can allow waivers for some individuals because of political reasons and international relations. However, we feel that such waivers should Not be applied for individuals like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib who possess such sick hatred of Israel annexedd peddle crass antisemitism for their evil intentions.,

Omar and Tlaib support anti Israel campaign of demonization and delegitimization based entirely on lies, libels and gross distortions designed to bring about Israel’s destruction. No country should be expected to provide hospitality to those who are actively hostile toward its people . It will be sending a negative signal to other antisemites that Israel can tolerate antisemitism. We thus, want to urge you to deny Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib platform to continue peddling their sick agenda.