Keep the Promise of Public Service Loan Forgiveness

Betsy DeVos & the Department of Education

Congress started the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program in 2007, because they knew the cost of a college education made it almost impossible for public sector professionals to repay. PSLF was meant to encourage Americans to devote their lives to public service, and to ease the crushing burden of student debt for teachers, nurses, police officers, firefighters, and other public workers who met program criteria and made 120 on-time loan payments.

But while public workers held up their end of the bargain, Secretary DeVos and the Department of Education failed to hold up theirs. For years, DeVos and Department of Education officials wrongfully denied PSLF applications, forgiving loans for fewer than 1% of the thousands of eligible borrowers who applied.  

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Washington, DC

To: Betsy DeVos & the Department of Education
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, demand that Betsy DeVos and the Department of Education stop neglecting their duties to protect student borrowers, help them navigate the loan repayment and forgiveness process, and stop wrongfully denying public employee applications for Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF). Do your job and protect the promise of PSLF!