Keir Starmer: we won't let you ignore the demand for Proportional Representation

Keir Starmer

Hey Keir Starmer Put Proportional Representation in your manifesto

The British public has been demanding Proportional Representation for years.

Support from voters is the highest it has ever been, including having doubled among Labour voters.

Thousands campaign for it every year. From First Ministers Mark Drakeford and Nicola Sturgeon, mayors Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan, to grassroots activists up and down the country.

Every major party in Great Britain other than Labour and the Conservatives promised it at the last election.

Now, Labour is a big step closer to joining us.

Labour Conference has now passed a motion calling for Proportional Representation. This is an historic moment.

But you said this is "not a priority".

Without your support there is no guarantee that Labour will introduce Proportional Representation after the next election.

But we are not going away. We will not allow Proportional Representation to be kicked into the long grass.

We want you to take up the torch of electoral reform.

We want a manifesto commitment for Proportional Representation.

However we vote, all of us want to cast our next vote for a party that commits to PR in its manifesto.

We are closer than ever to achieving equal votes. Will you join us?

To: Keir Starmer
From: [Your Name]

​The British public has been demanding Proportional Representation for years.

Support from voters is the highest it has ever been, including having doubled among Labour voters.

Thousands campaign for it every year. From First Ministers Mark Drakeford and Nicola Sturgeon, mayors Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan, to grassroots activists up and down the country.

Every major party in Great Britain other than Labour and the Conservatives promised it at the last election.

Now, Labour is a big step closer to joining us.

Labour Conference has now passed a motion calling for Proportional Representation. This is an historic moment.

But you said this is "not a priority".

Without your support there is no guarantee that Labour will introduce Proportional Representation after the next election.

But we are not going away. We will not allow Proportional Representation to be kicked into the long grass.

We want you to take up the torch of electoral reform.

We want a manifesto commitment for Proportional Representation.

However we vote, all of us want to cast our next vote for a party that commits to PR in its manifesto.

We are closer than ever to achieving equal votes. Will you join us?