KVUSD: Let Your School Bus Workers Keep Their Union

Board of Education, Kaw Valley Unified School District 321

Public sector workers aren't guaranteed union representation in the State of Kansas. This means that Kaw Valley school bus drivers and monitors are in danger of losing their collective bargaining rights if the KVUSD School Board brings student transportation in-house. Join us in calling on the school board to guarantee their rights – no matter who they work for!

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To: Board of Education, Kaw Valley Unified School District 321
From: [Your Name]

School bus workers represented by Teamsters Local 696 play a critical role in the Kaw Valley Unified School District. These workers show up every day to ensure that our children get to and from school, safely and on time. Their hard work and dedication to the school district should not go unnoticed or unrewarded.

As members of Local 696, these bus workers currently enjoy higher wages, great benefits, and increased safety protocols. Removing these workers from the union would be detrimental to them, their families, and our community.

As the Kaw Valley Board of Education weighs its decision on whether or not to reclassify the school district’s bus drivers as public sector employees, it is for this reason – among others – that we call on the Kaw Valley Board of Education to ensure that these workers are able to retain their collective bargaining rights. It’s the right thing to do.