Lambeth Full Council and Lambeth Pensions Committee – Stop investment in genocide! Divest Now!

Lambeth Full Council and Lambeth Pensions Committee

Research suggests Lambeth Council hold at least £52.4 million of their Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) in companies complicit in Israel’s oppression and illegal occupation of the Palestinian people. Sign our petition below and demand Lambeth Council divest from complicity with Israel.

A campaign coordinated by Lambeth & Wandsworth PSC, Lambeth Unison and Lambeth 4 Divestment.

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To: Lambeth Full Council and Lambeth Pensions Committee
From: [Your Name]

As residents, workers, students and trade unionists in the Borough of Lambeth we are appalled that (according to research carried out by Palestine Solidarity Campaign) Lambeth Council hold at least £52.4 million* of their Local Government Pension Scheme in companies complicit in Israel’s oppression and illegal occupation of the Palestinian people.

We demand that, with immediate effect, Lambeth Council:
• Disclose full details of its current Local Government Pension Scheme holdings
• Divest from all funds complicit with Israel and its genocide, occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people.

*Figure updated to £52.4 million on 12/02/25 to reflect latest analysis provided by Palestine Solidarity Campaign as based on a December 2023 FOI. Previously cited figures are £27.3 million (on 27/11/24) and £10.4 million (based on a December 2021 FOI).