Let the Oceanside Landfill Shine with Solar!
Town of Hempstead Supervisor Don Clavin, and Town Board Members Blakeman, Carini, D'Esposito, Dunne Sr., Goosby, and Muscarella

The Oceanside Landfill used to be where the Town of Hempstead disposed of their trash. Now, it is an open parcel of land they own, which
is perfect for generating solar power. The area can generate enough electricity to power 1500 homes and would produce it right when it's needed- during the high demand afternoon hours, especially in the summer. The clean energy created would displace dirty fossil fuels being burned directly across the street at the Barrett Power Plant that would otherwise create that electricity.
The Town would benefit with a steady revenue from any project, simply through the environmental stewardship of the Town's property, by leasing the land to a solar provider.
It’s a perfect situation for our Town to benefit residents, taxpayers, and the environment. Let Supervisor Clavin and the Town Board know we appreciate their consideration on this, that we support this type of project, and know they can make it a reality!
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Town of Hempstead Supervisor Don Clavin, and Town Board Members Blakeman, Carini, D'Esposito, Dunne Sr., Goosby, and Muscarella
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Dear Supervisor Clavin, and Town Board Members Blakeman, Carini, D'Esposito, Dunne Sr., Goosby, and Muscarella,
The Town of Hempstead is blessed with miles and miles of beautiful waterfront and park land, which the town has a responsibility to steward for future generations, and takes seriously through their own Conservation and Waterways Department, while using those resources in a sustainable way.
In the past, before our society knew better, the town created a hill out of trash at the Oceanside Landfill. The landfill has sat idle since its closing, many years ago, and has become part of the viable empty land the town controls, but it has limited uses.
A great way to now benefit the Town's environment from the landfill would be to use it in a ecologically useful way where no other use exists- to host solar panels that create clean energy.
We are glad to hear the town is looking into renewable energy at the Oceanside Landfill location, this is a path that will build community. This would fulfill both the town's responsibility to steward their environment, and also benefit local residents and town taxpayers alike.
The clean energy it would create would displace dirty fossil fuels being burned directly across the street at the Barrett Power Plant, that would otherwise create that electricity but create pollution while doing so.
The Town itself would benefit with a steady revenue from any solar project, simply through the environmental stewardship of the Town's property, by leasing the land to a solar provider.
It’s a perfect situation for our Town to benefit residents, taxpayers, and the environment. The town should make it a reality!