Help Fight the Climate Crisis in New York

NY Climate Action Council

Help Fight the Climate Crisis in New York

Three years ago, NY Renews and its coalition partners, including Sierra Club, helped drive the campaign to pass the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), New York’s 100% clean energy climate law, and the basis for the federal government’s Justice40. Now, the work to implement the CLCPA has begun, and we’ll need your help to ensure that the fossil fuel industry doesn’t derail its most powerful community, health, and labor protections!

Help influence our state's climate future by signing our petition before June 10, 2022, when the Climate Action Council's public commenting period closes!

Let's tell the Council that we want to see the CLCPA enacted in a way that ensures environmental justice, public health, and a just transition for workers and communities. This is our chance to make sure that our state's final scoping plan doesn't contain false energy solutions to the climate crisis and puts those most affected by environmental harm first.

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To: NY Climate Action Council
From: [Your Name]

Dear Climate Action Council,

In order for New York's final Scoping Plan to fulfill its goals for our climate future, it is vital that you put environmental justice, public health, and a just transition at the fore. I am calling on you to reject false climate solutions like biomethane, waste incineration, and more, and to establish a dedicated funding mechanism to ensure reductions in greenhouse gas emissions moving forward.

Here is what New Yorkers need to see in the final scoping plan:

1. Environmental Justice, Public Health, and a Just Transition Must Come First: Environmental justice must come first! This means prioritizing the health and welfare of low-income communities and communities of color at the frontlines of the climate crisis. When it comes to creating the inclusive green economy of New York's future, the plan must include strong public health guidelines and labor standards including prevailing wage, benefits, and local hire; funding for workforce development; and more.

2. No False Solutions: New York’s Final Scoping Plan must not contain false solutions to the climate crisis like biofuels, “renewable” natural gas (aka biomethane), biomass, waste incineration, and so-called “green” hydrogen. It must focus on renewable zero-emission technologies that have been proven to work, like solar and wind technologies.

3. Fund the CLCPA: New York must establish a dedicated funding mechanism—by legislation if necessary—to ensure reductions of both greenhouse gas and co-pollutant emissions and to begin the state's large-scale transition to an equitable renewable energy economy. An equitable economy-wide pollution fee is likely the best approach to generate the necessary funds in a just manner.

4. New York Needs “Scenario Three” for Clean Air and a Healthy Environment: The Climate Action Council put forth three scenarios for our climate future. Of the three, NY Renews is advocating for scenario three: low-to-no bioenergy and hydrogen combustion and the simultaneous acceleration of electrification of both buildings and transportation to ensure clean air and a healthy environment. In order to reach a zero-emissions power sector by 2040, New York needs a rapid, large-scale transition away from fossil fuels.

5. The CLCPA Is Law—Treat It Like One: The Scoping Plan must ensure that the mandates put forth by the Climate Action Council are legally enforceable against industries and include timelines for the reduction of emissions by sector. Provisions for environmental justice and emission reduction mean nothing if they cannot be enforced or if there aren't rules in place for what happens when our climate justice laws are broken.

The time for a just and equitable transition to renewable energy is here. Now it's up to you to help make it happen.