Colin Spry, Manager of Regulatory Operations at DPIPWE

Despite the horrific exposés by Animal Liberation the relevant authorities in Tasmania have failed to prosecute for the cruelty at the Tasmanian Quality Meats abattoir where babies are kicked, punched, thrown and many have their throats slit while flailing and completely conscious.

The statute of limitations is running dangerously close (meaning that by December next year the authorities won’t be able to prosecute) and if prosecutions aren’t filed soon, this cruelty will go unpunished. This is not the first time that authorities have ignored horrific animal cruelty.

Enough is enough.

We the undersigned demand that action be taken against these animal abusers. The cruelty that took place at this facility can not remain ignored.

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To: Colin Spry, Manager of Regulatory Operations at DPIPWE
From: [Your Name]

​Despite the horrific exposés by Animal Liberation the relevant authorities in Tasmania have failed to prosecute for the cruelty at the Tasmanian Quality Meats abattoir where babies are kicked, punched, thrown and many have their throats slit while flailing and completely conscious.

The statute of limitations is running dangerously close (meaning that by December next year you won’t be able to prosecute) and if prosecutions aren’t filed soon, this cruelty will go unpunished.

​Enough is enough.

We the undersigned demand that action be taken against these animal abusers. The cruelty that took place at this facility can not remain ignored.​