Letter in Support of HB 1723: The WA Digital Equity Act

WA Senate

Dear Members of the Washington State Senate,

We support HB 1723 and encourage you to pass it in the Senate. Together, we can increase access to affordable home internet, devices, and digital skill training. HB 1723 sets a framework for the State to accept and utilize funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for broadband programs, including the Digital Equity Act that Washington State advocates and experts helped Sen. Patty Murray draft and champion.

The pandemic pushed 10 years of planned technological change to happen in less than a year. It showed us the importance of getting the entire country connected and able to use new technology in meaningful ways. To do this, we need policymakers to be our partners.

Please make digital inclusion a top priority by voting for HB 1723.

Thank you for your consideration.


Digital Equity Advocates of Washington State

Petition by
Seattle, Washington
Sponsored by

To: WA Senate
From: [Your Name]

March 4th, 2022

Dear Members of the Senate,

We support HB 1723 and encourage you to pass it out of committee. Together, we can increase access to affordable home internet, devices, and digital skill training. HB 1723 sets a framework for the State to accept and utilize funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for broadband programs, including the Digital Equity Act that Washington State advocates and experts helped Sen. Patty Murray draft and champion.
The pandemic pushed 10 years of planned technological change to happen in less than a year. It showed us the importance of getting the entire country connected and able to use new technology in meaningful ways. To do this, we need policymakers to be our partners.

Please make digital inclusion a top priority by voting for HB 1723.

Thank you for your consideration.

Digital Equity Advocates of Washington State