Save Our Library Service in Gidea Park

London Borough of Havering Council

Green Party - Save Our Library Service Banner

We, the undersigned, value the services offered by our libraries and support the Green Party's demands that our local library service at Gidea Park be retained for our community.

Petition by
Mark Whiley
London, United Kingdom

To: London Borough of Havering Council
From: [Your Name]

​We, the undersigned, value the services offered by our libraries and support the Green Party's demands that our local library service at Gidea Park be retained for our community.

Barking, Dagenham and Havering Green Party will only use the data in this survey for the purpose of communicating with you about this campaign and for the official presentation through a third party of the petition to the local authority. We will never pass on your personal information to any other organisation. We will keep your survey responses in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation, but you can also contact us at any time if you don’t want us to store your survey response.

Promoted by Mark Whiley on behalf of Barking, Dagenham and Havering Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ.