Local 5147 Members: Support your Bargaining Team!

Hudson Regional Hospital

With negotiations upon us, your team will be making proposals intended to improve staffing across the board at HRH. We are asking all our member to sign this petition in support of your team and the work they will be doing at the table to resolve this issue.

To: Hudson Regional Hospital
From: [Your Name]

We, concerned employees of Hudson Regional Hospital and members of HPAE Local 5147, are signing our names to this petition with the intent of notifying Hospital administration that here has been a consistent lack of support regarding staffing for Nurses, Nurse Aides and other direct care providers and ancillary staff.

This lack of proper staffing has had the following effects:

Inhibited the ability of Registered Nurse and other direct care staff to adequately fulfill their duties in a timely manner.

Decisions on patient care are being made against best practices due to staff shortages.

An increase in feeling Burnt Out among staff members, dissatisfaction with employment, and dwindling morale.

Compromised staff safety with incidents of violence from patients against staff/ staff working in unsafe situations with inadequate assistance.

Compromised patient safety with less staff available to tend to non-emergency situations.

Reduced patient satisfaction in their care evidenced by Press Ganey Scores of the hospital.

Collectively, we feel unsafe in our workplace and realistically often unable to truly provide the quality care our patients deserve. Recognizing the recent hiring of staff members, we are requesting more immediate efforts to relieve this increasingly untenable situation to enable quality care for the patients trusting us with their health and physical well-being while preserving staff and patient safety during the onboarding process of staff members and beyond.

In addition, we the undersigned support our Negotiations Committee in all of their efforts at the bargaining table to address our dire staffing situation.