Lt. Governor Hochul: Release the Rent Relief Funds Now!

Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul

Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul: New York Tenants Can't Wait!

This week, one of the biggest obstacles to progress in New York State has finally stepped aside. The resignation of Andrew Cuomo paves the way for Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul to make history as the first woman governor of our state. She also has the opportunity to make history by standing up for housing justice and releasing all of the $2.4 billion in federal rent relief that the previous administration failed to distribute.

We urge Lt. Governor Hochul to act on behalf of New York tenants as millions face eviction during the ongoing Covid crisis. While her predecessor prioritized his wealthy real estate donors over everyday New Yorkers, we are hopeful that she will truly work for the people.

We are calling for the immediate release of the $2.4 billion in federal rent relief funds to 1.3 million people facing eviction. Under Cuomo, New York only began distributing funds in June 2021 - several months after the money became available - and has so far distributed less than 4% of the billions of dollars available. And because of how inaccessible the application process is, less than 10% of eligible New Yorkers have even applied for assistance.

Lt. Governor Hochul: New Yorkers need you to immediately fix the broken rent relief system and extend the eviction moratorium until all eligible tenants can receive the funds they need.

Our state has been in desperate need of a leader who works for us, not for themselves. We anticipate Andrew Cuomo’s departure as a start down a new path, one that recognizes the inherent human dignity of everyone living in this state. We hope that Lt. Governor Hochul will recognize the responsibility she has been entrusted with and will lead accordingly.
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To: Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul
From: [Your Name]

Lt. Governor Hochul: we urge you to stand up for New York tenants as millions continue to struggle to remain in their homes during this ongoing Covid crisis.

We are calling for the immediate release of the $2.4 billion in federal rent relief funds to 1.3 million people facing eviction. New York has so far distributed less than 4% of the billions of dollars available. And because of how inaccessible the application process is, less than 10% of eligible New Yorkers have even applied for assistance.

The ERAP application process has failed New York tenants in a number of ways:
- No paper option, making it impossible for anyone without a computer or internet connection to apply
- Inaccessible, unclear language that makes it hard for non-native English speakers and applicants with lower literacy rates to complete the application
- Technological glitches and frequent crashes, which make completing the 2+ hour process to apply nearly impossible as there is no way to save the application
- No appeal process for applications which have been denied

Lt. Governor Hochul: New Yorkers need you to immediately fix the broken rent relief system and extend the eviction moratorium until all eligible tenants can receive the funds they need.

Our state has been in desperate need of a leader who works for us, not for themselves. We anticipate Andrew Cuomo’s departure as a start down a new path, one that recognizes the inherent human dignity of everyone living in this state. We hope that you will recognize the responsibility New York has entrusted you with and will lead on behalf of everyday New Yorkers.