Make Donald Trump testify about the January 6th insurrection
U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol

Right now, Donald Trump is desperately trying to stonewall a House committee’s investigation into the January 6th insurrection.
Our elected officials must use every constitutional means available to uncover what he is hiding. Trump should be ordered to cooperate fully with the investigation -- and compelled to testify under penalty of perjury.
Two organizers of the riot recently revealed to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol that they had dozens of planning meetings with White House staff. [1] Clearly, we’re just beginning to understand the role that Trump and his administration played in this horrific attack -- and if we want the whole truth, we need to hear from Trump himself.
The Committee has already issued subpoenas for several key Trump allies, including Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, and Michael Flynn. Committee members have also requested to review several Trump White House documents -- an effort that Trump is currently trying to derail.
Trump must be added to the subpoena list. If he’s as innocent as he says he is, that shouldn’t pose any problem -- he should welcome the opportunity to exonerate himself. But if he refuses, it’ll speak volumes.
We deserve to know that our government is doing all it can to make sure our country never suffers another deadly and racist attack like the one we witnessed on January 6th. And if Donald Trump encouraged -- or worse, helped to plan -- the attack, he must be held accountable.
If you agree, please add your name today.
U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol
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New allegations from January 6th organizers reveal that Trump’s White House was involved in planning the riot that devolved into a deadly insurrection at our Capitol.
We deserve to know what role ex-President Trump played in the horrific attack, and if he encouraged insurrectionists or helped them plan the assault, he must be held accountable. We urge the House Select Committee investigating the insurrection to compel Trump to testify under oath.