Make Retirement Security a priority of the White House

President Obama

Thank you for marking the 50th anniversaries of Medicare and Medicaid. Now is the time for retired and working Americans to join the fight for REAL Retirement Security! Sign this petition and tell the White House America deserves their earned benefits.

To: President Obama
From: [Your Name]

I signed the Alliance for Retired Americans petition to urge the White House Conference on Aging to make Retirement Security a priority. This year marks the 80th anniversary of Social Security and the 50th anniversaries of Medicare and Medicaid as well as the decennial White House Conference on Aging. Now is the time for retired and working Americans to join the fight for REAL Retirement Security!

Every generation should be able to retire with the confidence that they will maintain the standard of living they worked hard to attain over decades. That means:

• Preserving, strengthening and expanding Social Security,
• Protecting defined benefit pensions, and
• Strengthening Medicare and Medicaid so that retirees have health care they can afford and access to long-term care if they need it so they can truly enjoy economic security.

Sign this petition ( to let the President and the White House Conference on Aging know that we need REAL Retirement Security Now!