Make Vote-by-Mail More Accessible for November!

Pennsylvania General Assembly

We wouldn’t have been able to carry out last week’s primary election without vote-by-mail -- and we won’t be able to ensure a safe and secure election on November 3rd unless we dedicate more staff and resources to its implementation.

Over 1.8 million Pennsylvanians voted-by-mail in our primary election, with many of them able to do so because the legislature passed no-excuse absentee voting into law last year.

With potential recurrences of COVID-19 on the horizon, we expect far more Pennsylvania voters to take advantage of this option in November -- and we have to act now to make sure that the same problems we saw last week don’t come up again in the fall.

By sending vote-by-mail ballots to all registered voters and providing additional funding to county boards of elections across the state, the legislature could make a big impact on the accessibility of voting this fall.

Add your name to tell your representatives: Dedicate more resources to vote-by-mail so that all Pennsylvanians have the right to participate in our democracy this November.

To: Pennsylvania General Assembly
From: [Your Name]

The ability of all Pennsylvanians to cast a ballot -- safely and securely -- is crucial to the health of our democracy. The General Assembly must act now to make vote-by-mail more accessible to all Pennsylvanians so that nobody will be forced to choose between their health and their vote this November.