Make Them Pay: Demand Chemical Makers Pay to Clean Up Toxic Nonstick Pollution

CEOs of 3M and Chemours

As many as 110 million Americans may have drinking water contaminated with toxic nonstick chemicals or PFAS. These chemicals are a health and environmental nightmare created by chemical companies 3M and DuPont (now Chemours), who reportedly had sufficient information decades ago to know that certain PFAS were harmful. PFAS can leave our environment polluted, our water undrinkable, and our bodies sick.

Americans were treated like guinea pigs as chemical companies sold more and more PFAS. Taxpayers are now being asked to foot the bill for what could amount to billions of dollars in clean up and health costs. As if that weren’t enough, more PFAS are manufactured every day for products like nonstick and waterproof coatings and for some firefighting foam. So the contamination cycle continues!

It’s time to hold the chemical makers accountable. Please join us in demanding that 3M and Chemours discontinue production of PFAS chemicals and pay to clean up their nonstick nightmare. Help us ensure that all Americans have access to safe drinking water and food. After decades of pumping toxic PFAS chemicals into our water, our bodies, and our homes, it’s far past time they own up to their actions. #MakeThemPay

To: CEOs of 3M and Chemours
From: [Your Name]

Dear Mr. Michael Roman and Mr. Mark Vergnano:

We are writing to demand that 3M and Chemours pay to clean up communities, people, and the environment that have been affected by PFAS contamination. Your companies have manufactured and promoted PFASs for decades, despite toxicity concerns.

After six decades of manufacture and use, your chemicals have polluted drinking water, wildlife and people. State and local governments are faced with spending possibly billions of dollars to clean up the mess created by these chemicals.

Americans never consented to having PFAS chemicals in their drinking water, much less in their blood. Yet virtually every American has a body burden of these chemicals, including newborns.

Enough is enough. Taxpayers should not have to foot enormous environmental cleanup costs and healthcare costs that are the direct effect of corporate negligence. We demand that 3M and Chemours discontinue producing PFAS chemicals and pay communities generously for the contamination they have suffered at your companies’ hands.


Americans for Safe Drinking Water and Healthy Communities