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Mandatory Removal of IVC Filters after Clotting Risks Have Receded


The Goal. To check every patient with IVC filters implanted and remind them that filters need to be removed.

The Problem. Pulmonary embolism is when one of the pulmonary arteries in the lungs has a blockage and often it’s caused by blood clots that travel to the lungs. The IVC (inferior vena cava) filters prevent such from happening, which is why some patients have these filters implanted.

But not all patients have the filter removed. Majority still have filters inside their bodies for extended periods, beyond the 29-54 days recommended time frame that they be removed once the blood clot formation stops. Leaving the filters in the body for too long can cause the patient to suffer from serious injury, especially when the filter breaks while still implanted. Patients are often unaware of the FDA recommended time frame because manufacturers advertise the filters as good for permanent use.

The Solution. Manufacturers should make sure that all patients and health practitioners know that IVC filters are meant for short-term use. When the filter has already fulfilled its function, the filter must be removed. Hospitals must keep track of every IVC filter used and implanted and monitor the time they remain in a patient’s body. There must also be a change in the production process of these filters to ensure durability so they don’t easily break while implanted.

Visit Drugwatcher if you or a loved one has experienced the complications of IVC filters. Drugwatcher can help with filing IVC lawsuits.


Petition by
Erica Davies
New York, New York

To: People
From: [Your Name]

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