#MaskOffMaersk Cut Ties With Genocide!
CEO, vincent.clerc@maersk.com, vincent_clerc@hotmail.com, Chair of Board of Directors, robert.uggla@apmoller.com, robert.uggla@maersk.com, CFO, patrick.jany@clariant.com, rabab.boulous@maersk.com, william.woodhour@maersk.com, ed.hanley@maersk.com, albat
Join the Palestinian Youth Movement in its campaign to demand that Maersk Cut Ties with Genocide! Maersk is one of the most profitable companies on earth, directly facilitating and profiting off of the weapons trade. We demand Maersk cut ties with Israel and end its complicity in the genocide of Palestinians.
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CEO, vincent.clerc@maersk.com, vincent_clerc@hotmail.com, Chair of Board of Directors, robert.uggla@apmoller.com, robert.uggla@maersk.com, CFO, patrick.jany@clariant.com, rabab.boulous@maersk.com, william.woodhour@maersk.com, ed.hanley@maersk.com, albat
[Your Name]
After over 400 days of witnessing humanity’s worst atrocities against the Palestinian people, it is overdue that the world cut ties with genocide.
I am writing to you to demand that Maersk align its business practices with global human rights standards. I'm deeply concerned about Maersk's transportation of military cargo for the Israeli Military of Defense. You have the power to halt the the supply of military cargo, which have enabled directly the genocide in Gaza.
Since October 2023, an estimated 189,000 Palestinians have been murdered in Gaza. By shipping military cargo, Maersk makes the genocide of Palestinians possible. We know you ship military goods to the Israeli Ministry of Defense and that has been confirmed by Spain turning around two of your ships on November 7th. Your company has the blood of Palestinians on its hands!
Maersk has made claims to be a diversity and inclusion employer and aims to be carbon neutral by 2040. How can Maersk justify shipping military cargo that is destined for the mass murder of people in Gaza and Lebanon while claiming to be concerned with social justice and equality? The complete destruction of the entire civilian infrastructure in Gaza, the razing of farming areas and the poisonous impact of the enormous tonnage of explosives that has been dropped on the people of Gaza will have immense environmental impacts on the lived environment. Maersk can not espouse the values of diversity and inclusion or environmental consciousness whilst actively enabling the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.
Maersk, do not be complicit in genocidal war crimes. End the transportation of military cargo that enables the genocide of Palestinians. We urge Maersk executives to immediately review and discontinue operations that support Israel's military activities through cargo transport. I ask that you convey our concerns to the board and consider terminating contracts with defense-related entities that facilitate this genocide, including the Israeli Ministry of Defense.
So, Maersk - are you going to listen to the demands of the people and stand on the right side of history?