Sign Petition: It's Time for a Change at OHS

James Kenney, Mayor of Philadelphia

Homelessness, and the threat of homelessness, is at the root of so many challenges we face. It keeps people with HIV from being healthy; it keeps LGBTQIA+ people from being safe; it forces Black and Brown people into more conflicts with the police; and 99% of us are one crisis away from homelessness.

And homelessness is a choice -- a choice that Mayor Kenney makes with his budget, his management, and his priorities. We don't choose to be homeless. Mayor Kenney chooses to:
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Philadelphia, PA

To: James Kenney, Mayor of Philadelphia
From: [Your Name]

1. Immediately stop ALL evictions including evictions of encampments and evictions from homeless shelters

2. Immediately form a paid oversight board of shelter residents, people receiving OHS support for permanent housing (e.g. SRO residents, voucher holders), and unhoused individuals, and invest in skilled facilitators and training on oversight skills such as analyzing budget and policy

3. Immediately review all city contractors and their policies to ensure real trauma-informed and Housing First policies and practices are in place at every city-funded provider

4. Immediately re-open the COVID hotels, apply for FEMA reimbursement, and invest the money in creating accessible, city run, Housing First, trauma-informed shelter that works for people of all genders, family sizes and configurations, and accessibility needs

5. Replace the current leadership of OHS with people approved by the oversight board