Demand that Grinnell College end it's relationship with Iowa Prison Industries, and reinvest in the Black and Brown community programs

Grinnell College Administrators and President Raynard Kington

Grinnell College has always been considered a bastion of Liberal Education and progressiveness, yet continues to be business partners with Iowa Prison Industries. This partnership involves the college feeding into and supporting an industry that cares little about the comfort and safety of inmates, especially inmates of color.

Iowa once again ranks among the worst states for locking up disproportionate numbers of African-Americans, with blacks imprisoned at 11 times the rate of whites”

-Des Moines Register

Iowa Prison Industries, the corporation that Grinnell purchases labor and furniture from, made $4.9 million in sales in 2013 while paying prisoners between 27 to 88 cents per hour.

We believe the only way for Grinnell to correct its mistakes is to DIVEST from private prison industries, and REINVEST in the same black and brown communities that this industry preys on.

Petition by

To: Grinnell College Administrators and President Raynard Kington
From: [Your Name]

We find it disheartening that Grinnell College financially supports and cosigns the predation of the Prison Industrial Complex, by remaining complicit to a "business" that preys upon Black and Brown people.

This is the exact opposite of what should be expected from an institution that claims to pride itself on racial progressiveness and diversity, like Grinnell.

I stand by Million Hoodies Grinnell in their Prison Divestment Campaign and urge Grinnell College to correct its stance on the Prison Industrial Complex, while reinvesting in the communities targeted by it.