More affordable public transport for London

Mayor of London and Transport for London

The cost of public transport in London is higher than any other global major city.

We need the Mayor of London and Transport for London to urgently focus on reducing the cost of getting around our city.

In the run up to the next Transport for London budget, we are asking the Mayor to prioritise measures to reduce costs of travel to help all Londoners with the cost of living.

We are calling on the mayor to:

  • Freeze fares at current levels.
  • Extend free bus travel to under-22s
  • Make free travel available 24 hours a day for Freedom Pass holders.
  • Offer free travel to all emergency services staff.
  • Provide free bus travel for people seeking asylum
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To: Mayor of London and Transport for London
From: [Your Name]

The cost of public transport in London is higher than any other global major city.

We need the Mayor of London and Transport for London to urgently focus on reducing the cost of getting around our city.

In the run up to the next Transport for London budget, we are asking the Mayor to prioritise measures to reduce costs of travel to help all Londoners with the cost of living.

We are calling on the mayor to:

- Freeze fares at current levels.
- Extend free bus travel to under-22s
- Make free travel available 24 hours a day for Freedom Pass holders.
- Offer free travel to all emergency services staff.
- Provide free bus travel for people seeking asylum