National Grid - Allow Town of Tonawanda to Develop Cherry Farm Park and Kaufmann Playground

National Grid - Patrick Uhteg, Manager

The Town of Tonawanda has plans and resources lined up to develop the former National Grid Cherry Farm landfill on River Road and to replace and upgrade the playground equipment at 132 Kaufmann Avenue, but Town officials have expressed that both projects require National Grid to grant the Town access to the properties. Please sign this petition to push National Grid to allow these projects to move forward!

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To: National Grid - Patrick Uhteg, Manager
From: [Your Name]

We the undersigned support the Town of Tonawanda's proposed park project at the remediated National Grid Cherry Farm Landfill on River Road in the Town of Tonawanda as well as the Town's plans to replace and upgrade the playground equipment at 132 Kaufmann Avenue in the Town.

We ask that National Grid grant the Town access to and any limited but necessary control of these sites to allow both projects to move forward.

If the Town already has the necessary access to these sites to pursue these projects, we encourage National Grid to reach out directly to contacts at the Town to clarify that the Town may move forward and to remove any confusion that may be impeding the progress for these projects.

We also encourage National Grid to view these projects as the public benefit these represent and to recognize the potential for positive public relations that these projects would generate, and consider offering additional support to the Town in the form of grants or in-kind donations.