Tell the NLRB: Resume operations as soon as possible!

The National Labor Relations Board

On March 19, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) suspended all representation elections, including mail ballot elections, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The AFL-CIO calls on the NLRB to resume the conduct of union elections, election-related hearings and unfair labor practice proceedings as soon as possible, consistent with public health.

The NLRB’s suspension of operations destroys a vital resource for workers’ rights at an unprecedented time in history when it’s needed most.

“Right now, union representation is critical in the midst of the COVID-19 public health and economic crisis, with workers facing unsafe conditions, layoffs and intense uncertainty,” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. “So long as the NLRB is not conducting elections, we call on the Board to demand that all employers similarly suspend their anti-union campaigns.”

It doesn’t have to be this way. Throughout the past decade, the NLRB has taken large steps toward electronic filing and other digital operations. Now is the time to implement fully remote operating procedures, including conducting pre- and post-election hearings and unfair labor practice hearings by video conference and all elections by mail ballot.

During this national public health and economic emergency, workers need access to our rights more than ever. Please sign the petition and tell the NLRB: Resume operations safely so workers can rightfully vote for the representation we need!

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Washington, DC

To: The National Labor Relations Board
From: [Your Name]

The AFL-CIO calls on the NLRB to resume the conduct of union elections, election-related hearings and unfair labor practice proceedings as soon as possible consistent with public health.

The NLRB suspension of operations destroys a vital resource for workers’ rights at an unprecedented time in history when they need it most.

With workers facing unsafe conditions, layoffs and intense uncertainty, workers need the collective voice and protection of a union now more than ever.

Throughout the last decade, the NLRB has taken large steps toward electronic filing and other digital operations. Now is the time to implement fully remote operating procedures, including conducting pre- and post-election hearings and unfair labor practice hearings by video conference and all elections by mail ballot.

During this national public health and economic emergency, workers need access to their rights more than ever. Please resume operations safely so workers can rightfully vote for the representation they need!