No más fuerzas militares extranjeras en Haití / No more foreign military forces in Haiti
U.S. Congress: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Congreso EE.UU: Comité de Asuntos Exteriores de la Cámara de Representantes
El lunes 2 de octubre se autorizó en el seno del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas una nueva intervención militar extranjera en Haití. Bajo la dirección de Estados Unidos y sus aliados, se votó una resolución que autoriza el ingreso al territorio haitiano de una misión Multinacional de Apoyo a la Seguridad encabezada por Kenia.
Alianza Global para la Justicia
On October 2, a new foreign military intervention in Haiti was authorized by the United Nations Security Council. Under the direction of the United States and its allies, a resolution was voted on that authorizes a Multinational Security Support mission to Haiti, headed by Kenya.
This new intervention in the country is carried out under the false premise of mitigating the violent actions of "criminal gangs", when it has been precisely the weapons sent by the United States that have served to increase violence.
Kenya will send more than 1,000 troops to Haiti and the United States plans to contribute $200 million US dollars to this intervention.
The experience of the past UN intervention in Haiti from 2004 to 2017, which deployed more than 11,000 members of the UN Peacekeepers, resulted in serious human rights violations and acts of corruption, and only contributed to deepen violence and instability in the country.
Today in Haiti the escalating violence has caused nearly 3,000 deaths and more than 200,000 people have been displaced. A foreign military intervention will only deepen the current problems.
Black Alliance for Peace
Alliance for Global Justice
World BEYOND War
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U.S. Congress: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Congreso EE.UU: Comité de Asuntos Exteriores de la Cámara de Representantes
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English below
Insto al Congreso de los Estados Unidos a que cese su posición de apoyo a esta intervención armada extranjera en Haití, a respetar la soberanía y la decisión del pueblo haitiano que rechaza masivamente la presencia de tropas militares y policiales extranjeras en su territorio, y se ha movilizado contra la Primer Ministro ilegítimo de facto, Ariel Henry, que ha acogido con satisfacción esta intervención.
Asimismo, solicitamos que los 200 millones de dólares que enviará Estados Unidos para esta fuerza multinacional sean redirigidos en forma de reparaciones y restitución, particularmente para ayudar a resolver los grandes problemas de hambre, miseria, pobreza, acuciantes problemas de salud y la situación de migración forzada a la que ha sido sometida la población de Haití debido a la ocupación pasada y a la intervención extranjera de la ONU.
I urge the United States Congress to end its support of a foreign armed intervention in Haiti, and to respect the sovereignty of the Haitian people, who massively reject the presence of foreign military and police troops in their territory, and who have mobilized against the illegitimate de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who has welcomed this intervention.
Likewise, we request that the $200 million that will be sent by the United States for this multinational force be redirected in the form of reparations and restitution, particularly to help solve the major problems of hunger, poverty, pressing health issues, and the situation of forced migration, to which the population of Haiti has been subjected because of past occupation and foreign UN intervention.