No More Deception: Tim Moore Must Resign Now

Speaker Tim Moore, North Carolina House of Representatives

Tim Moore is all smiles with Donald Trump.

On September 11, 2019, NC House Speaker Tim Moore overturned the Governor's veto of the state after deceiving his fellow legislators by leading Democrats to believe that there would be no notes during the morning session.  

Republicans in the NC House then took the vote while many Democratic members were attending commemoration services for 9/11. Half of the members of the House weren't even there.

Since taking this position in 2015, he has repeatedly abused his power in order to undermine our democracy and betray the people of this state.

He helped create extreme partisan gerrymandering and led attacks on early voting and same day registration, and proposed voter ID laws.

He has done this in the service of an anti-democratic movement which has sought to use racism as a tool to weaken and divide North Carolinians for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful.

He has gutted our public schools through underfunding and privatization.

He has refused to expand Medicaid, though it could be expanded at little cost to our state, and such an expansion could save lives.

He has dismantled environmental protections.

He has led attacks on women and LGBTQ people.

He has funneled more and more money into the hands of the rich through tax cuts that starve our public services.

When his party suffered a setback in the 2016 elections, he led the charge aimed to strip the incoming governor and Supreme Court of their powers.

When the deep unpopularity of his policies became too glaring to be debated and voted on in public, he orchestrated maneuvers to passed those budgets in the middle of the night.

His actions on September 11 of this year were the last straw.

House Speaker Tim Moore must step down.

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To: Speaker Tim Moore, North Carolina House of Representatives
From: [Your Name]

In deliberately deceiving your fellow lawmakers and holding a suprise vote, you have once again sought to betray and disenfranchise the people of North Carolina. You have doubled down on the strategy to grasp power through division and racism.

In the interest of the people of North Carolina, we ask that you step down now.