No New Executions in Kentucky! (2023)

The Kentucky Legislature

HB 249, which adds an aggravator to the list of death penalty-eligible crimes, was passed through the Kentucky legislators this year. This marks the first expansion of the death penalty in Kentucky in over a decade. This action did not happen in a vacuum. Recently, we've seen folk in the legislature make calls to see executions resume in the Bluegrass State. Some of those legislators went as far as to inquire about the execution readiness of the Kentucky State Penitentiary in Eddyville, the only facility in Kentucky that is set up for executions. This is not a drill.

We cannot allow this backslide! Sign your name to our petition and let the Kentucky legislature know that we demand a death penalty abolition bill and NOT this slow march back to executions.

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To: The Kentucky Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Kentucky is ready to move forward in our history as a Commonwealth and we cannot do so by reviving a dormant and cruel death penalty system. We do not want you to kill in our name. The time is well past due to take the death penalty off the table. No new executions in our Commonwealth in 2023.