No Promotion for Judge Jimmie Edwards

Missouri Congresspeople

Jimmie Edwards is being considered for the next US Attorney in Missouri. The Public Safety Director gives oversight to the police, firefighters and corrections departments, all of which are in worse shape now than before Edwards took the helm. He was the second-highest paid city official at $200K annually.  Judge Edwards recently resigned as head of the  St. Louis Public Safety office leaving the safety of the public in shambles and the city jail literally on fire. He doesn't deserve a promotion! Please sign the petition so that our Missouri congresspeople know our position on this undeserving candidate.

Petition by

To: Missouri Congresspeople
From: [Your Name]

President Joe Biden is looking to appoint an U.S. attorney in Missouri. We have been informed that Judge Jimmie Edwards is under consideration. As public safety director in St. Louis, he shattered public trust in the office and his leadership. The police, fire and corrections departments have all suffered in efficiency and public trust under Judge Edwards' administration. With this performance record, we don't think a promotion to a higher office with more power and influence is appropriate or desirable. Please eliminate Judge Edwards from any serious consideration and end Missouri congressional support.