Keep Our Economy Strong - Say NO to SB 17

Texas State Legislature

Texas needs to place more workers in key industries like tech if we want to remain an economic leader.

College diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs are crucial to ensuring that more students have the opportunity to get into these industries, especially those who have been historically overlooked — but Texas Republicans want to ban DEI from all state colleges. The proposed SB 17 would do just that.

Minority students deserve a chance to thrive in major industries, and we can't let our economy fall behind. Sign the petition today to tell the Texas Legislature to protect Texas' future by voting NO on SB 17.

To: Texas State Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Texas needs more workers entering key industries in order to remain an economic leader.

College diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs are crucial to ensuring that more students have an equal opportunity to get into these industries, especially those who have been historically overlooked.

With the important role of such DEI programs in mind, I urge you to vote NO on SB 17.