Tell Gov. Jeff Landry and the Louisiana Legislature: Vote NO on HB6

Governor Jeff Landry and the Louisiana Legislature

The Louisiana Legislature is considering House Bill 6 (HB6) by Representative Nicholas Muscarello of Hammond that seeks to restart executions in the state. This bill allows the State to veil their execution process in secrecy and misinformation as well as brings back brutal, long-discarded, methods of executing people: gassing and electrocution. This is wrong and the Legislature and the Governor should oppose this bill.

Petition by
Natalie Sharp
New Orleans, Louisiana
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To: Governor Jeff Landry and the Louisiana Legislature
From: [Your Name]

The Louisiana Legislature is considering House Bill 6 (HB6) by Representative Nicholas Muscarello of Hammond that seeks to restart executions in the state. This bill allows the State to veil their execution process in secrecy and misinformation as well as brings back brutal, long-discarded, methods of executing people: gassing and electrocution. This is wrong and the Legislature and the Governor should oppose this bill.

Louisiana’s leaders should work to reduce crime, support victims of violence, and build safer and stronger communities. A gruesome and experimental string of executions would achieve none of those worthy goals. We must move together towards a brighter future, not backwards to a darker past.

Gassing, electrocutions, and secret poisoning: this is not who we are. We challenge you to do better. Provide us real solutions for safety and support. Vote NO on HB6!