Nobody Left Behind
Prime Minister, Premiers, Chief Ministers, and colleagues

These are extraordinary times, full of fear and uncertainty. As such, these times call for extraordinary measures from governments to introduce a floor below which no one in our society can fall, to assure all people that they will not be left behind, that they will be cared for and provided with necessities of life for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis and the unprecedented economic and social disruption it brings.
We the undersigned welcome measures already introduced to lift the level of income support payments and temporarily suspend mutual obligation requirements.
However, as the long and dangerous queues at Centrelink offices and the unmanageable demand on the MyGov website demonstrate, the current approach, even with these important shifts, is insufficient in the face of the economic crisis we are entering. With economists forecasting official unemployment rates of 10-15% in the near future, and many more in the informal economy in dire straits, there is a clear and urgent need to introduce a Liveable Income Guarantee without delay to make vital support easily accessible to all in need.
In order to support the millions of people now in more full-time caring capacities;
In order to provide for those who will not be able to find paid work while isolated at home;
In order to give confidence to the millions in precarious paid work - food industry and arts sector workers, cleaners, small business owners, and so many more;
In order to ensure that nobody is left behind, we urgently need a Liveable Income Guarantee.
Specifically, the undersigned call on you to:
* Remove conditionality requirements to make access to the Jobseeker Payment and related payments, including the Coronavirus supplement, administratively fast and simple;
* Remove all mutual obligation requirements, which will be both impossible to comply with and impossible to manage;
* Unify all payments, including the Aged Pension, Disability Support Pension, Youth Allowance, etc, at the same full Liveable Income Guarantee rate of the Jobseeker Allowance plus the Coronavirus supplement (without prejudicing any additional payments such as Disability Support Pension, Rent Assistance or the Remote Area Allowance);
* Introduce these measures with immediate effect.
The signatories acknowledge that a Liveable Income Guarantee alone will not be sufficient, either in these times or in less troubled times. In particular, we call for measures to ensure stable housing for all, including suspension of mortgage and rent payments, a freeze on repossession and evictions, and provision of accommodation for the homeless. We also call for a suspension of utility bills, including internet service provision and telephony. We call for a suspension of the cashless welfare card. And we call on governments at all levels to rapidly employ more people where safe to do so, particularly in health care, education, and government administration to improve access and equity to basic rights and services.
COVID-19 will bring tremendous hardship and loss. In order to find our way through this crisis, we must recommit to each other as members of a community. A Liveable Income Guarantee will be a vital step towards building a fairer society both during the crisis and as we work towards recovery and reconstruction in the years ahead.
Drafting signatories
Prof Jon Altman, Australian National University
Dr Jeremy Baskin, University of Melbourne
Adj Prof Eva Cox, University of Technology, Sydney
Dr Tim Dunlop, author and commentator
Prof Katherine Gibson, Western Sydney University
Prof Jane Goodall, Western Sydney University
Troy Henderson, University of Sydney
Tim Hollo, Executive Director, The Green Institute; Australian National University
Loriana Luccioni, University of Queensland
Dr Francis Markham, Australian National University
Prof Greg Marston, University of Queensland
Dr Jenni Mays, Queensland University of Technology
Josh McGee, Basic Income Australia
Dr Ben Spies-Butcher, Macquarie University
Prof John Quiggin, University of Queensland
Ryan Batchelor, Nous Group
Dr Paul Bauert, President, Australian Medical Association (NT)
Jharana Bhattarai, RMIT University
Jennine Blundell, CEO, WorkVentures
Emma Bosworth, Co-CEO, Green Music Australia
Dr Zazie Bowen, Australian National University
Rev Boyd Briese, Lutheran Church
Dr Damien Cahill, NSW Division Assistant Secretary, National Tertiary Education Union
Mark Chenery, Common Cause Australia
Dr Benjamin Cooke, RMIT University
Mary-Anne Cosgrove, President, Council of Australian Humanist Societies
Anna Crabb, Head of Strategy and Partnerships, B Lab Australia and New Zealand
Anwen Crawford, writer
Alison Croggon, writer and critic
Emma Davidson, Convenor, Women's Electoral Lobby
Emma Dawson, Executive Director, Per Capita
Tracey Deasey, Australian National University
Prof JP Deranty, Centre for Workforce Futures, Macquarie University
Rev Dr Stephanie Dowrick
Dr Norbert Ebert, Macquarie University
Dr Ben Eltham, Monash University
Osman Faruqi, journalist and writer
Dr Tobia Fattore, Macquarie University
Josie Gibson, Director, The Catalyst Network
Dr Piers Gooding, Melbourne Social Equity Institute
Prof Philip W Graham, University of the Sunshine Coast
Em Prof Roy Green, University of Technology, Sydney
Rev Simon Hansford, Moderator, Uniting Church of Australia Synod of NSW and ACT
Damiya Hayden, Deputy Convenor, Australian Greens
Prof Kathryn Henne, Director, School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet), Australian National University
David Hetherington, Executive Director, Public Education Foundation
A/Prof Melinda Hinkson, Executive Director, Institute for Postcolonial Studies
Adj Prof David A Hood AM, University of Queensland; Director, Long Future Foundation
A/Prof Dierdre Howard-Wagner, Australian National University
Dr Janet Hunt, Australian National University
Dr Arnagretta Hunter, Cardiologist, Australian National University
Fiona Ingram, SenseSmith
Shirley Jackson, economist, Per Capita
Dr Rachael Jacobs, Western Sydney University
Heather Jarvis, RMIT University
Connor Jolley, RMIT University
Tim Kennedy, National Secretary, United Workers Union
Dr Sean Kerins, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, The Australian National University
Dr Paul Kildea, University of Melbourne
Dr Harald Klein, Former Director Youth, Disability and Women's Affairs, Victoria
Melissa Laing, social worker and PhD candidate, RMIT University
Dr Benjamin Law, writer and broadcaster
Dr Bronwyn Lay, RMIT University
Colin Long
Tim Lyons, former Assistant Secretary, Australian Council of Trade Unions
Ausitn Mackell, CEO, Write In Stone
A/Prof Cecily Maller, RMIT University
Dr Michelle Maloney, New Economics Network Australia
Gavin May, RMIT University
Dr Hannah McCann, University of Melbourne
Dr Dylan McConnell, University of Melbourne
Michael McNally, Queensland Division Secretary, National Tertiary Education Union
Prof Bernadette McSherry, Director, Melbourne Social Equity Institute
Dr Sara Meger, University of Melbourne
Ed Miller, Director, Economic and Climate Justice, GetUp!
Christine Milne, former Leader of the Australian Greens
Lisa Moloney, LIMAX Events
A/Prof Susie Moloney, RMIT University
Kristin O’Connell, Australian Unemployed Workers Union
Lizzie O’Shea, lawyer and writer
Prof Sundhya Pahuja, University of Melbourne
Brooke Prentis, Aboriginal Christian Leader, CEO of Common Grace
Prof Katherine Robinson, Australian National University
Dr Millie Rooney, Australia reMADE
Dr Caroline Salom, University of Queensland
Prof Nicholas Smith, Macquarie University
Dr Adam Stebbing, Macquarie University
Dr Charlotte Overgaard, Macquarie University
Dr David Pledger, artist, commentator, director of NYID
Will Prothero, Director, Nous Group
Brenda Sharpe, RMIT University
Dr Rebecca Sheehan, Macquarie University
Michael Simpson, V/Line
Dr Melissa Slee, Victorian State Secretary, National Tertiary Education Union
Tanya Smith, public policy consultant
Dr Jeff Sparrow, writer
Dr Sally Staton, University of Queensland
Anna Stephenson, Conscious Enterprise
Em Prof Frank Stilwell, University of Sydney
Dr Emmett Stinson, Deakin University
Michael Thompson, NSW State Secretary, National Tertiary Education Union
Aviva Tuffield, University of Queensland Press
David Upton, Basic Income Australia
Tom Quinn, Founding CEO, Future Business Council
Dr Cathy Vaughan, Centre for Health Equity, University of Melbourne
Sam Wallman, Workers Art Collective
Adrianne Walters, social justice advocate, Human Rights Law Centre
Syndi Li Walton, Nous Group
Prof Rob Watts, RMIT University
Prof Mark Western, University of Queensland
Bhiamie Williamson, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, The Australian National University
A/Prof Sara J Wills, University of Melbourne
Anthony Wong, Nous Group
Dr Jacinda Woodhead, former editor, Overland
Australian Unemployed Workers Union
Friends of the Earth Australia
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Prime Minister, Premiers, Chief Ministers, and colleagues
[Your Name]
These are extraordinary times, full of fear and uncertainty. As such, these times call for extraordinary measures from governments to introduce a floor below which no one in our society can fall, to assure all people that they will not be left behind, that they will be cared for and provided with necessities of life for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis and the unprecedented economic and social disruption it brings.
The signatories welcome measures already introduced to lift the level of income support payments and temporarily suspend mutual obligation requirements.
However, as the long and dangerous queues at Centrelink offices and the unmanageable demand on the MyGov website demonstrate, the current approach, even with these important shifts, is insufficient in the face of the economic crisis we are entering. With economists forecasting official unemployment rates of 10-15% in the near future, and many more in the informal economy in dire straits, there is a clear and urgent need to introduce a Liveable Income Guarantee without delay to make vital support easily accessible to all in need.
In order to support the millions of people now in more full-time caring capacities;
In order to provide for those who will not be able to find paid work while isolated at home;
In order to give confidence to the millions in precarious paid work - food industry and arts sector workers, cleaners, small business owners, and so many more;
In order to ensure that nobody is left behind, we urgently need a Liveable Income Guarantee.
Specifically, the undersigned call on you to:
* Remove conditionality requirements to make access to the Jobseeker Payment and related payments, including the Coronavirus supplement, administratively fast and simple;
* Remove all mutual obligation requirements, which will be both impossible to comply with and impossible to manage;
* Unify all payments, including the Aged Pension, Disability Support Pension, Youth Allowance, etc, at the same full Liveable Income Guarantee rate of the Jobseeker Allowance plus the Coronavirus supplement (without prejudicing any additional payments such as Disability Support Pension, Rent Assistance or the Remote Area Allowance);
* Introduce these measures with immediate effect.
The signatories acknowledge that a Liveable Income Guarantee alone will not be sufficient, either in these times or in less troubled times. In particular, we call for measures to ensure stable housing for all, including suspension of mortgage and rent payments, a freeze on repossession and evictions, and provision of accommodation for the homeless. We also call for a suspension of utility bills, including internet service provision and telephony. We call for a suspension of the cashless welfare card. And we call on governments at all levels to rapidly employ more people where safe to do so, particularly in health care, education, and government administration to improve access and equity to basic rights and services.
COVID-19 will bring tremendous hardship and loss. In order to find our way through this crisis, we must recommit to each other as members of a community. A Liveable Income Guarantee will be a vital step towards building a fairer society both during the crisis and as we work towards recovery and reconstruction in the years ahead.