Northeastern: Drop the Charges Against Pro-Palestinian Students

Northeastern University

On December 13th, several attendees of Huskies for a Free Palestine's December 1st sit-in at Curry Student Center received notices of disciplinary action from Northeastern University. By threatening sanctions for participating in peaceful acts of solidarity with Palestine, Northeastern is attempting to punish students for calling attention to its complicity in genocide. Sign the petition to demand Northeastern drop these changes and divest from the genocide in Palestine!

To: Northeastern University
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, call on Northeastern University to drop all disciplinary charges levied against attendees of the December 1st sit-in for Palestine at Curry Student Center.

Northeastern is unfairly singling out a handful of students out of over 100, who did nothing differently than the rest of the attendees present that day. These charges are clearly intended to intimidate pro-Palestinian students into silence, and they must be dropped. 

These charges further reflect a clear bias against the Palestinian cause. While it hosted an on-campus rally just days after October 7th expressing explicit support for Israel, Northeastern has continually attempted to shut down pro-Palestine students and events and neglected to address clear instances of hate speech and doxing against Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and pro-Palestinian students.​​​​​​​ This is unacceptable.

Northeastern must live up to its own values of freedom of expression. The university claims to endorse "open dialogue on critical issues" and "open discourse on conflicting and diverse views," even when ideas are seen as "controversial, disagreeable, and even offensive." Yet, it threatens and intimidates only pro-Palestinian students for their speech, while allowing other students and faculty to openly praise genocide with no consequences. 

We demand that Northeastern stop its intimidation of pro-Palestinian students on campus and divest from its ties with war profiteering companies and complicity in the genocide in Gaza.