Norwich City Council: don't let homeless people freeze on our streets this Winter.

Norwich City Council

A letter published in the national newspaper, The Guardian, reported that homeless refugees are being left in the freezing cold on the streets of our city. Click here to read it!

The letter mentioned a man who felt his body and chest lock up as he slept under a bridge in sub-zero temperatures, and another person who was told to walk around a 24-hour supermarket all night to keep warm because they would not put him in emergency accommodation. This is happening in our city, right now.

Norwich City Council's policy for accommodating homeless people during extreme weather is out of date and dangerous. We're calling on them to change it, by:

1. opening emergency shelters before temperatures reach freezing, in line with best practice recommendations, and not waiting for three days of below freezing temperatures

2. taking into account rain, wind, and snow when deciding when to open shelters, to keep bad weather from making streets deadly for those sleeping on them

3. invest in council-owned temporary accommodation so that we can bring more people in from the streets permanently

This is urgent - we've already had sub-zero temperatures this winter, and we're only in December. Delays on changing this policy will harm people.

We need Norwich City Council to make sure that all homeless people are given warm shelter to protect them from freezing on our streets this Winter. Will you help us demand this?

Sign this petition calling on our city council to take action NOW! Please share with your friends & family and on social media to help us help those sleeping on the streets in our city.

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To: Norwich City Council
From: [Your Name]

We are calling on Norwich City Council to:

-Confirm that overnight Winter Shelters will be open every day of the week over the Winter period

-Urgently review the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol so that it takes into account ALL forms of extreme weather, is based on the 'feels like' temperature and brings rough sleepers in BEFORE we reach freezing temperatures

-Keep all homeless people safe from freezing temperatures and extreme weather over this Winter period, including refugees who are disproportionately impacted by failures in homelessness services.