Sign the Petition! Opposition to Special Use Permit Request for Solar Farm Development
Members of City Council, Ingleside, Texas
The Ingleside City Council is considering a Special Use Permit that could pave the way for future industrial development—including hydrogen and ammonia production—right here in our community. This permit will allow for a solar farm on our important wetlands.
✅ We need YOUR help to stop this!
The proposed solar farm:
❌ Threatens Our Wetlands – Critical for flood control and water quality
❌ Lacks Regulatory Approval – Even Texas Parks & Wildlife opposes it
❌ Harms Wildlife – Similar projects have devastated bird populations
❌ Decreases Property Values – Industrial expansion will impact homeowners
❌ Offers No Local Economic Benefit – The profits go elsewhere, while we deal with the risks
? Sign the petition to urge City Council to VOTE NO on this permit.
? Share this message with neighbors, friends, and family.
? Attend the special City Council meeting on Feb. 25th
Let’s protect our community from unnecessary industrialization. Say NO to the rezoning request!
Members of City Council, Ingleside, Texas
[Your Name]
Dear Members of the Ingleside City Council,
We, respectfully urge you to vote NO on the Special Use Permit request submitted by the Port of Corpus Christi Authority for the construction of a solar farm. While renewable energy projects may seem beneficial on the surface, this proposal raises significant concerns about future industrial development in our community and harm to our wetlands.
The approval of this Special Use Permit would have significant negative consequences for our community, including:
Environmental Destruction: The proposed solar farm site is located on top of wetlands, which serve critical functions such as flood mitigation, pollutant removal, and nutrient recycling. These wetlands support water quality for fish and wildlife in McCampbell Slough and Port Bay. The loss of these wetlands could lead to increased flooding and reduced water quality.
Lack of Regulatory Approval: The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has not approved the Port of Corpus Christi Authority's (POCCA) permit application (SWG202100163) to discharge approximately 111,100 cubic yards of fill material into 13.9 acres of herbaceous wetlands. Furthermore, Texas Parks & Wildlife has sent a letter to USACE recommending that they not issue the permit due to the negative ecological impacts.
Adverse Effects on Wildlife: The solar farm would negatively impact birds and special aquatic species. Similar projects, such as a large solar plant in the Mojave Desert, have resulted in the deaths of thousands of birds.
Decreased Property Values: The presence of industrial-scale solar development near residential areas has been shown to decrease property values, negatively affecting homeowners and local economic growth.
No Economic Benefit to the Community: Unlike other developments that may provide jobs or local revenue, this solar farm offers no tangible economic benefit to the residents of Ingleside or San Patricio County. Instead, it primarily benefits external industrial interests at the expense of local well-being.
Paving the Way for Future Industrial Development: Approval of this solar farm could set a precedent for further industrial expansion in San Patricio County, including hydrogen and ammonia production plants that have been discussed by the San Patricio Economic Development Corporation. These industrial projects could pose significant environmental, health, and safety risks to our community, leading to increased air and water pollution, hazardous material transportation, and long-term ecological degradation.
As representatives elected to serve the best interests of our community, we urge you to consider the long-term consequences of this permit and reject it to prevent future industrial encroachment. We call on you to protect the health, safety, and quality of life of Ingleside’s residents.
We appreciate your time and consideration on this critical matter and request that you prioritize the well-being of our community over external industrial interests.