Not in Our Parks: NO special warfare trainings in Washington State Parks

Gov. Jay Inslee; WA State Parks Director and Commission; U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command

"Sheila Murray, Navy Region Northwest deputy public affairs officer, explained that the training is meant to have no impact on the environment or the public. In fact, members of the public may unwittingly be a part of the training . . . .

‘The whole point of doing it in populated areas is not to be seen,’ she said."

- Whidbey News-Times 4/24/17

On January 28, 2021 in a narrow 4-3 vote, the State Parks and Recreation Commission approved a 5-year permit for US Navy Special Operations to conduct covert military training in up to 28 coastal Washington State Parks. The Navy already owns over 40 miles of coastal shoreline in Washington, but still wants to use nearly every coastal state park in Washington.

Navy Special Ops trainees will land on shorelines, climb into uplands and conduct covert surveillance of plainclothes military personnel, while plainclothes Navy "observers" will "observe" the public and intervene if park visitors get too close to the trainees. The Navy may also waylay boaters at park waterfronts. Up to 84 military personnel will be involved in each exercise. Trainees will be carrying fake, but hyper-realistic looking firearms.

The Parks Commission admits that the training is "inconsistent" with the mission and values of State Parks. State Parks are for recreation and environmental, historical, and cultural conservation, not covert military training.

Please join Not In Our Parks in asking Gov. Inslee to end this change to the fundamental purpose of our state parks.

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To: Gov. Jay Inslee; WA State Parks Director and Commission; U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, urge the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission to reverse its approval of this incompatible use of our parks. We urge our elected officials to act to prevent our parks from being used for military training.

-Combat troop training including covert surveillance while park users are hiking, camping, kayaking, exploring, and enjoying the restful and recreational nature expected in parks is counter to the mission, purpose, and vision of Washington State Parks.

-This inappropriate use of our State Parks will result in negative impacts to state and local economies as people avoid recreating for fear of being spied on.

-While we understand and support the need for first-rate military personnel training, a strict separation between civilian recreation and military combat troop training is a dividing line essential for civilian safety and securing peace of mind.

-Military warfare training in State Parks will cause environmental degradation to the nearshore, beach, and upland environments.

-Our treasured public parks are for recreation and renewal, not warfare training.

The knowledge that military training COULD be happening nearby creates anxiety, destroys the peace and calm expected in parks and is just plain creepy.

Return the confidence that our State Parks are for everyone to enjoy and are free from military operations.