Tell Google: Stop profiting off of Israeli apartheid and violence against Palestinians

Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian

This week, Google will hold its annual Google Cloud Next conference in San Francisco, a major AI conference that aims to bring thousands of cloud enthusiasts to the Moscone Center for a few days of "inspiration, innovation, and education."

But Google's tech isn’t being used to inspire and innovate—it's fueling Israel’s security apparatus, enabling and entrenching apartheid, state violence, occupation, and land grabs through a highly lucrative $1.2 billion contract with the Israeli government and military.

For almost two years, Google and Amazon workers have been organizing against their employers' joint contract called Project Nimbus — a shadowy project that adds capacity and power to Israel's military and government. Palestinians are already harmed by Israeli military surveillance and repression, and by expanding public cloud computing capacity, Google is helping to make Israeli apartheid more efficient, more violent, and even deadlier for Palestinians.

Google Cloud will celebrate its first year of profitability at this week's conference. That's why the Bay Area community is showing up to say: there is nothing to celebrate as long as Google continues to profit off of the violence and repression that Palestinians face daily. We refuse to allow business as usual for war profiteers like Google Cloud that power apartheid and violence.

Join us: Add your name in solidarity with Bay Area community members and Google workers who put their bodies on the line to shut down the Google Cloud Next conference this week to demand that Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian stop profiting from Israeli apartheid and cut the Project Nimbus contract.

Learn more about the #NoTechForApartheid campaign at Are you a Google or Amazon tech worker? Reach out to to get involved.

To: Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian
From: [Your Name]

I’m writing to you in solidarity with the rallying Google workers and community members at the Google Cloud summit in San Francisco today – bravely calling for Google to pull out of the Project Nimbus contract and stop profiting from Israel's apartheid government & military.

Google Cloud is celebrating its first year of profitability at this week's conference. But there is nothing to celebrate as long as you continue to profit off of the violence and repression that Palestinians face daily.

2023 has proven to be the deadliest year for Palestinians since 2005, especially in the West Bank where the Israeli military deploys technology to terrorize and ethnically cleanse the Palestinians who live there. Like the many of your workers that have come forward, I also believe that technology should bring our communities together and work for the common good—not power occupation and violence.

As over 1000 Google and Amazon workers rightly pointed out in October 2021 in their op-ed at The Guardian, Google leadership has made commitments to upholding human rights and behaving ethically—and we expect you to live up to those commitments. In your own AI principles, Google states that it will not pursue AI applications "whose principal purpose or implementation is to cause or directly facilitate injury to people" or "technologies whose purpose contravenes widely accepted principles of international law and human rights."

This year marks 75 years since the expulsion of over 75% of Palestinians from their land (referred to by Palestinians as "the Nakba," or "catastrophe" in Arabic), and your workers remain unwavering in their organizing to ensure that Google stops enabling the injustice and violence that began with the Nakba and that Palestinians continue to face to this day.

By providing cloud technology to the Israel, Google is enabling the oppression of the Palestinian people. For example, Project Nimbus will likely expand the data capacity of the Israeli Land Authority (ILA), a government agency that uses discriminatory policies to expand segregated Jewish settlements while trapping Palestinians in densely populated areas and limiting the growth of their communities. Technology should be used to bring communities together, not enforce segregation and displacement.

Furthermore, growing numbers of the public, myself included, agree with your workers in opposing the Israeli government's violations of Palestinian human rights. In the wake of the Israeli military’s assault on Gaza in 2021 that resulted in the death of 250 people (including over 60 children), a Data for Progress poll showed increasing numbers of people in the U.S. oppose their government's complicity in human rights violations such as illegal settlement expansion onto Palestinian land and the Israeli military’s destruction of residential homes. There is overwhelming consensus among workers and ordinary people that Google must put people over profit.

Just as people of conscience demanded institutions cut ties with apartheid South Africa in the 1980s, the time is now to rise up in support of Palestinian human rights. We hope that you will take this opportunity to be on the right side of history as your own workers and communities across the globe come together to build a better world for all. Cut the Project Nimbus contract and re-establish your company's commitment to human rights.