NYC: Tell the City Council to fund students not cops!

New York City Council

Image: “It’s time for police free schools”

The New York City Council is set to vote on the final city budget in June. Our message is clear: fund students, not cops.

Petition by

To: New York City Council
From: [Your Name]

Students deserve a place to learn in peace, a place free from policies designed to funnel them into the school-to-prison pipeline. For far too long, police have been embedded into New York City Schools, that’s unacceptable. Right now, the city employs more cops than counselors and social workers.

For decades, students and communities of color have called for the removal of police presence in our schools, yet the Council has failed to fulfill those demands. This year, we have a chance to change that.

We demand that the City Council delivers a budget that reflects the demands of the people. It’s time to move away from policing and instead fund restorative justice policies, mental health services, counselors, social workers, and more. #PoliceFreeSchools #CounselorsNotCops