Advocate for NYC's Future is Cooperative: A Policy Platform for and by Worker Cooperatives

To NYC elected officials taking office in 2022


Worker cooperatives – democratically run businesses that are owned and operated by their workers – are critical to building a solidarity economy based on community control and community wealth. They create quality jobs and build wealth among those who build a business’s value: the workers. Across the world, worker cooperatives have proven to be scalable, more productive than conventional companies, more resilient in times of crisis, and a key factor in generating economic opportunity and growing communities centered in equity and democracy.

Why Support Now?

In the midst of a global pandemic, deepening economic divisions, a worsening climate crisis, and ongoing social and racial injustice, NYC stands at an historic precipice. We have a chance to redefine our values-- a chance to rebuild, recreate, and reimagine a NYC for the people and controlled by the people. Our city’s champions are the people deepening relationships among all sectors in our local economy and fighting for justice.

We can create this world if we commit to transitioning our violently extractive economy to one based on solidarity, from a world based on competition to one based on cooperation. The time for worker control is now. Our future is cooperative. This policy platform is how we do it.


Read full language:

Direct Financial Support for Worker Cooperatives

Enhance the ability of worker cooperatives to emerge, grow and thrive by investing dollars directly into worker cooperative businesses and entities that support them.

Space and infrastructure

Create community-controlled and permanently and deeply affordable retail, warehouse, office, and co-working spaces for worker cooperatives of all scales

Education and Technical Assistance:

Support the development and sustainability of worker cooperatives by funding research and expanding access to worker cooperative education and technical assistance.

City Procurement with Worker Cooperatives

Eliminate barriers to sustainable city procurement opportunities for worker cooperatives.

Movements for Racial and Immigrant Justice

Support Critical Policies for Racial and Immigrant Justice

Las cooperativas de trabajadorxs - empresas administradas democráticamente que son propiedad de lxs trabajadorxs y operadas por ellxs, son fundamentales para construir una economía solidaria basada en el control y la riqueza de la comunidad. Crean empleos de calidad y generan riqueza entre quienes construyen el valor de una empresa: lxs trabajadorxs. En todo el mundo, las cooperativas de trabajadorxs han demostrado ser escalables, más productivas que las empresas convencionales, más resilientes en tiempos de crisis y un factor clave para generar oportunidades económicas y comunidades en crecimiento enfocadas en la equidad y la democracia.

En medio de una pandemia global, las divisiones económicas cada vez más profundas, una crisis climática que empeora y la injusticia social y racial en curso, Nueva York se encuentra en un precipicio histórico. Tenemos la oportunidad de redefinir nuestros valores, una oportunidad de reconstruir, recrear y re-imaginar una Nueva York para la gente y controlada por la gente. Los héroes y protagonistas de nuestra ciudad son las personas que construyen relaciones más profundas entre todos los sectores de nuestra economía local y luchan por la justicia.

Nosotrxs podemos crear este mundo si nos comprometemos a hacer la transición de nuestra economía fuertemente extractiva a una basada en la solidaridad, de un mundo basado en la competencia a uno basado en la cooperación. El momento del control local es ahora. Nuestro futuro es cooperativo. Esta plataforma de políticas es como nosotrxs lo hacemos.

Explore nuestras áreas de política

Lea la plataforma completa aquí:

Apoyo económico directo para las cooperativas de trabajadores

Mejorar la capacidad de las cooperativas de trabajadores para surgir, crecer y prosperar invirtiendo dólares directamente en los negocios cooperativistas y en las entidades bancarias que los apoyan.

Espacio e infraestructura

Crear espacios comerciales, de almacén, de oficina y de coworking de forma permanente y profundamente asequibles para las cooperativas de trabajadores de cualquier tamaño.

Educación y asistencia técnica

Apoyar el desarrollo y la sustentabilidad de las cooperativas de trabajadores mediante el financiamiento de la investigación y la ampliación del acceso a educación y asistencia técnica para las cooperativas de trabajadores.

Contratación de cooperativas de trabajadores con la ciudad

Eliminar las barreras que enfrentan las cooperativas de trabajadores con respeto al acceso a oportunidades para contratos sustentables con la ciudad.

Movimientos sociales por la justicia migrante y racial

Apoyar políticas públicas que apoyen la justicia migrante y racial

To: To NYC elected officials taking office in 2022
From: [Your Name]

I'm writing in support of NYC's Future is Cooperative: A Policy Platform for and by Worker Cooperatives. Now more than ever does our city need a cooperative future where workers control their labor. We're calling for your support today.

Worker cooperatives – democratically run businesses that are owned and operated by their workers – are critical to building a solidarity economy based on community control and community wealth. They create quality jobs and build wealth among those who build a business’s value: the workers. Across the world, worker cooperatives have proven to be scalable, more productive than conventional companies, more resilient in times of crisis, and a key factor in generating economic opportunity and growing communities centered in equity and democracy.

In the midst of a global pandemic, deepening economic divisions, a worsening climate crisis, and ongoing social and racial injustice, NYC stands at an historic precipice. We have a chance to redefine our values-- a chance to rebuild, recreate, and reimagine a NYC for the people and controlled by the people. Our city’s champions are the people deepening relationships among all sectors in our local economy and fighting for justice.

We can create this world if we commit to transitioning our violently extractive economy to one based on solidarity, from a world based on competition to one based on cooperation. The time for worker control is now. Our future is cooperative. This policy platform is how we do it.

--Direct Financial Support for Worker Cooperatives
--Space & Infrastructure
--Education & Technical Assistance
--City Procurement
--Movements for Racial and Immigrant Justice

Please visit and sign on in support of the platform.