Organic is Soil-Based
Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins
A group of organic certifiers has refused to certify hydroponic operations because they do not believe it is allowed under the National Organic Standards. The USDA National Organic Program disagrees and has issued noncompliances to these agencies.
OFA farmer members voted to oppose organic certification of hydroponic production and urge the NOP to revoke the organic certification of such operations. (See the full policy position here.)
Organizations and farmers are signing on with the organic certification agencies who have received non-compliances to support organic agriculture based in soil-production. Organic farmers have repeatedly prioritized prohibiting hydroponic production from organic certification because organic is based in the soil. Will you support organic farmers and organic integrity by signing on to the Soil Statement?
Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins
[Your Name]
I believe that organic agriculture depends on soil health. Soil is inherent in organic agricultural production and critical for a healthy planet and healthy food system.
I sign my name in support of the position statement: ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IS SOIL-BASED: A Fundamental Principle Underlying Organic Crop Certification.