Our lawmakers must protect our historic, bipartisan election reforms

Pennsylvania Legislature

We fought for years to pass Act 77 in the Pennsylvania Legislature in 2019 -- the historic bipartisan election reform bill that gave every Pennsylvanian the right to vote-by-mail, among other groundbreaking reforms that made voting more convenient and secure than ever before. [1]

But now, our Republican lawmakers are trying to slash away at the system they passed, rolling back many of our hard-won reforms because they’re unhappy with the results of our November election.

Their most worrying efforts: limiting the amount of time Pennsylvanians have to register to vote and request a mail-in ballot … cracking down on the use of ballot drop boxes and other crucial accessibility measures … and even adding needlessly strict signature requirements for all mail-in voters.

We must protect the essential pro-voter reforms we fought for in Act 77. Tell the Legislature that any efforts to limit our right to vote are undemocratic, discriminatory, and just plain wrong >>

[1] https://www.governor.pa.gov/newsroom/governor-wolf-signs-election-reform-bill-including-new-mail-in-voting/

To: Pennsylvania Legislature
From: [Your Name]

It’s our lawmakers’ responsibility to fight on behalf of Pennsylvanians’ right to participate in our democracy, eliminating voter suppression and expanding our freedoms, not taking them away. Any efforts to put up additional barriers and hurdles to voting undermine the monumental bipartisan compromise we forged with 2019’s Act 77, and they must be shut down before they can cause even more damage.