Elected Officials

We are reeling.  We are shaken from reliving the trauma of sexual violence - and having our stories discounted, disbelieved and pushed aside. We mourn the pain of loved ones lost: to violence against women and trans people, to hurricanes fueled by corporate greed, to families torn apart at the border, to mass incarceration and to the everyday toll of substandard housing, low wages and for-profit healthcare.

We are hurting, but we are not defeated.

We have found our voices and we will not be silent.  Our scream of grief has become a battle cry. Today, we issue a warning: we will remember in November.  

We will remember which elected officials have stood beside us and who have turned their backs on our stories, our pain and our futures. We are the voices who cry out in anger and horror at the travesties bestowed upon our people. We are the caregivers, the nurturers, the providers, the inspiration, the song, the laughter, the joy, and the ferocity of our work.

We are political healers. We will remember in November.

Take the Remember In November Pledge. As a political healer, you pledge to vote this November 6th in the midterm election. You pledge to force cultural trauma into public memory. You pledge to fight for the future you want to live in. Sign the pledge using the form to the right.

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To: Elected Officials
From: [Your Name]

I pledge to remember which Senators confirmed a right-wing extremist to the most powerful court in the land. To remember who ignored the calls of sexual violence survivors and accepted an inadequate FBI investigation into their claims.

I pledge to remember who put their greed above everyday people’s lives. To remember who allowed our water to be poisoned, our children to be murdered by police, and our doctors to refuse us without consequence.

I pledge to remember who ignored our pleas when we demanded affordable housing and fair wages so we could thrive and nurture the next generation. And who tore apart families along the border and abused children in detention centers.

And I will take my pledge to the polls in November. I will vote out anyone who acts against the best interests of everyday people. I will remember in November.