Our Tax Dollars Should Not Give A Platform To Hateful Groups

FL House Speaker Richard Corcoran

With Donald Trump's administration taking extreme measures on immigration, you may have missed the latest anti-immigrant news out of the Florida State Legislature. The House Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee extended a formal invitation to Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).

So, what's the problem? Despite its pleasant-sounding moniker, Krikorian's organization was founded by white supremacists. CIS continues to be nothing more than an anti-immigrant front group, per the Southern Poverty Law Center, and has even referred to immigrants as “Third-World gold-diggers.”

Just days ago, Krikorian even criticized the Trump administration for not going far enough in its unwelcoming approach toward immigrants. Specifically, Krikorian himself advocates for an immediate end to DACA, which allows the children of undocumented immigrants to obtain work permits. He is literally targeting people who came to this country involuntarily as children.

Committees in the Florida legislature should certainly hear from the public on key issues. However, listening to public testimony and giving a taxpayer-funded platform to a group that spews offensive rhetoric are two very different things.

Our state’s greatest and most valuable resource is its vibrant and diverse people. Tell Florida House Speaker Richard Corcoran to immediately revoke the House's official invitation to this group and its director. Our hard-earned tax dollars should not be used to legitimize hateful organizations that promote offensive statements and positions. Floridians deserve better.
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To: FL House Speaker Richard Corcoran
From: [Your Name]

Our state’s greatest and most valuable resource is its vibrant and diverse people. As such, we demand that you revoke the House's official invitation to the hateful Center for Immigration Studies and its Executive Director, Mark Krikorian. Our hard-earned tax dollars should not be used to legitimize organizations that promote offensive statements and positions. Floridians deserve better.