Our Working Conditions Are The Community's Healing Conditions!

Dr. Michael L. Good, CEO of University of Utah Health and the Senior Vice President of Health Sciences and Dan Lundergan, CEO of UUHC

We, the undersigned members and supporters of Utah Health Workers United, are writing to express our legitimate and ongoing concerns regarding the working conditions throughout University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics (UUHC). The current administrative approach of listening without action continues to be detrimental to employee success and patient outcomes, and is unsustainable. As a wall-to-wall union representing employees from across a broad spectrum of roles throughout the organization, we understand the issues facing UUHC, and provide the best and most effective avenue for collaborative solutions to worker concerns. Our long-term goal is to establish a lasting, constructive relationship with UUHC so that together, we can create a healthier work environment for all staff members, and therefore be able to provide better care for our patients.

While we work towards our long-term goal of collaborative problem solving, we demand the following immediate actions:

  • Address Income Disparities: Increase compensation to reflect the dramatic increase in cost of living along the Wasatch Front, and promote retention of experienced staff. Pay should match that of comparable flagship academic research hospitals nationwide. Develop transparent payment practices similar to the academic division of the university.

  • Improve Parking and Commuter Access: Provide affordable or income-based parking costs across all staff and executive/administrative positions. Improve and increase commuter solutions that allow workers convenient access and timely commuting to work. The current approach of expensive, poorly maintained parking and lengthy commuting via public transportation is inadequate.

  • Increase Leave/PTO/Sick Days: Enhance the current parental leave, paid time off and sick day policies to better support the health and well-being of employees.

We strive to take the best possible care of our patients, but we can’t do that if we can’t afford to take care of ourselves. We look forward to the opportunity to find real, effective solutions together.


Utah Health Workers United Members and Supporters

To: Dr. Michael L. Good, CEO of University of Utah Health and the Senior Vice President of Health Sciences and Dan Lundergan, CEO of UUHC
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned members and supporters of Utah Health Workers United, are writing to express our legitimate and ongoing concerns regarding the working conditions throughout University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics (UUHC). The current administrative approach of listening without action continues to be detrimental to employee success and patient outcomes, and is unsustainable. As a wall-to-wall union representing employees from across a broad spectrum of roles throughout the organization, we understand the issues facing UUHC, and provide the best and most effective avenue for collaborative solutions to worker concerns. Our long-term goal is to establish a lasting, constructive relationship with UUHC so that together, we can create a healthier work environment for all staff members, and therefore be able to provide better care for our patients.

While we work towards our long-term goal of collaborative problem solving, we demand the following immediate actions:

Address Income Disparities: Increase compensation to reflect the dramatic increase in cost of living along the Wasatch Front, and promote retention of experienced staff. Pay should match that of comparable flagship academic research hospitals nationwide. Develop transparent payment practices similar to the academic division of the university.

Improve Parking and Commuter Access: Provide affordable or income-based parking costs across all staff and executive/administrative positions. Improve and increase commuter solutions that allow workers convenient access and timely commuting to work. The current approach of expensive, poorly maintained parking and lengthy commuting via public transportation is inadequate.

Increase Leave/PTO/Sick Days: Enhance the current parental leave, paid time off and sick day policies to better support the health and well-being of employees.

We strive to take the best possible care of our patients, but we can’t do that if we can’t afford to take care of ourselves. We look forward to the opportunity to find real, effective solutions together.


Utah Health Workers United Members and Supporters