PA Legislators: Raise the Wage And Give Communities the Right to Raise It Higher

PA Legislators

Every state surrounding our Commonwealth has raised their minimum wage while Pennsylvania remains stuck at $7.25.

Not only do Pennsylvania's working people deserve a living wage, but local economies will also benefit if people have more money in their pockets.

Sign the petition to tell the member of Pennsylvania General Assembly that their summer vacation shouldn’t start until they increase the minimum wage for all Pennsylvania families.

Tell them, also, to give our counties and cities the right to set an even higher minimum wage if that fits local economic conditions.

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To: PA Legislators
From: [Your Name]

We Pennsylvanians deserve better than poverty-level wages and stagnant economic growth, and an overwhelming majority of us support an increased minimum wage and an economy that lifts all working people.

1. We support an increase in the state minimum wage to $12.00 per hour, initially, and with incremental increases to at least $15.00 per hour.

2. We support the right of local communities to raise their minimum wage above the state level.

3. We support indexing the minimum wage to inflation after it reaches $15.00 an hour.

4. We support one fair wage for all workers and the elimination of a lower minimum wage for tipped workers.

5. We support strong enforcement of laws against wage theft, including the increase of fines on employers who steal their employees’ wages.